

Why me??
Hello all. What all has worked for you with teething?? My baby girl just turned 4 months and she cut her first tooth last week. We have tried alot of things and nothing seems to be helping. She is only fussy at night, not during the day at all. TIA


professional daydreamer
Ice cube wrapped in terry wash cloth, run water over it, serve. Rubber band to keep the ice cube in place and prevent choking hazard (however, you should still supervise). Ice numbs, terry scratches.


Well-Known Member
At night I did some Ibuprofen and then a little baby ambesol. Also those lil toys that are ribbed and filled w/ a water solution are good you can throw them in the fridge :yay:


New Member

Walmart/grocery/target carries a fresh food feeder. Mesh baggie looks like it's hooked to pacifier. put frozen lope, apple, peach whatever. Baby gets fresh fruit and frozen fruite soothes gums. mine 11 month old still loves it! Then you can switch to non frozen foods. TRY to skip the drugs!!!! Especilly pain killer (even OTC) and try not to use the numbing creams....unless ulcers are involved.


We used to rub a little bit of wiskey on baby's gums. It did work and no she is not an alcoholic now!