Tell Larry he is wrong


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I get a call and it's this friend of his, who has become somewhat of a friend of mine as well. Anyway, she's going on and on, and Larry's saying, "Ask her this! Ask her that!" so to get off the phone, I said, "Okay, well, Larry wants to say hi so I'll give the phone over to him. Talk to ya later..."

I hand the phone to Larry and he says (so she can hear him), "I didn't want to say hi, I just talked to her a few minutes before she called you."


So now she knows I was trying to slough her off. And I think he should have covered for me, considering it's his friend and all. I do that all the time for the girls when they're trying to get out of doing something with a friend - I don't say, "Emilie, why are you shaking your head 'no' like that??"

You know, if it were one of my girlfriends, she'd have grabbed the phone without missing a beat and said, "Listen, I forgot to ask you about..." because women do things like that for each other.



My Sweetest Boy
I'd really like to help you out Vrai. I really, really would. But you know I have had bad experiences in the Sports Forum when I don't agree with Larry and then he gets all pissy or defensive or he makes some wisecrack.

In defense of Larry, he probably didn't know what you were trying to do. Men are too stupid to realize that sort of thing. :biggrin:


Nothing to see here
Tell Larry he's wrong?? If I took care of that for you, it would cause you to feel insecure about your independence. Then you'd resent me because you'd perceive me as being in a position of power over you. But I wish you luck in finding a solution to your problem - I'm sure it will be fine because you're a smart, capable young woman.


curiouser and curiouser
cattitude said:
In defense of Larry, he probably didn't know what you were trying to do. Men are too stupid to realize that sort of thing. :biggrin:
:yeahthat: Next time, go over any hypothetical scenarios in advance. That way he'll be prepared. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
But you know I have had bad experiences in the Sports Forum when I don't agree with Larry and then he gets all pissy or defensive or he makes some wisecrack.:
Tell me about it. Try being married to him :doh:

Men are too stupid to realize that sort of thing.
Hear that, Larry? Catt says you're stupid. :bonk:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
otter said:
Tell Larry he's wrong?? If I took care of that for you, it would cause you to feel insecure about your independence. Then you'd resent me because you'd perceive me as being in a position of power over you. But I wish you luck in finding a solution to your problem - I'm sure it will be fine because you're a smart, capable young woman.
:lmao: :bonk:


Nice lady!
Oh and Vrai, you should have just bonked him in the head with the phone while you were handing it to him. On accident of course.


Football addict
meangirl said:
:yeahthat: I will hand the phone off in a heartbeat if I can.
I don't know, it's just so impersonal. Not that this here forum is not impersonal, more diverse though. I just can't stand a constant yack about nothing.:dead:


Well-Known Member
harleygirl said:
I have never met a man that was good in telling little white lies. It is only the major ones they have mastered.
I've always maintained that, if not for women, men would never lie.

"Does this make me look fat?"
"Is she prettier than me?"

So we lie. But we're bad at it. We haven't been doing it long enough.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A-ha HA HAAA!!!

otter said:
Tell Larry he's wrong?? If I took care of that for you, it would cause you to feel insecure about your independence. Then you'd resent me because you'd perceive me as being in a position of power over you. But I wish you luck in finding a solution to your problem - I'm sure it will be fine because you're a smart, capable young woman.

The fraternity is alive!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Your honors...

...what we have here is a failure to commune-kate.

I admit that in the rush and bother of life I MAY have missed the high sign there. But, let us be clear. It was 9:10 pm...on a Monday. In the fall.

For you fellows, I needn't say more.

To you ladies and to my blushing, fibbing bride, I say I may be a cad. I may be a bit un-polished in the ways of intrigue and subterfuge. But, it is not for lack of love nor a non-desire to aid and abet.
