Tell me this isn't a psudo quota system



This is in reference to the Dallas Cowboys wanting Bill Parcells as their head coach next year. It came off ESPN's website and it clearly demonstrates how messed up affirmative action makes things. I honestly can't think of anyone that is available right now more desired than Bill Parcells....

"Earlier this week we noted in a story that there remain two hurdles -- contractually delineating the football balance of power between Jones and Parcells, and the fact the Cowboys owner must conduct at least a sham interview process that includes a minority candidate -- before a deal can be struck. "


endangered species
Hmmm. Coupla things.

1. You don't have to interview anybody who doesn't apply for the job.
2. Of those who apply, if you have criteria (i.e. experience, for example) defined, you can eliminate anyone who doesn't qualify.
3. If you don't have qualifications established, then h*ll yes, you better interview everybody. Or give a d*mn good reason why you eliminated all of the black candidates.

I think that was a BS statement by ESPN or whoever. By any measure, Parcells would have to be considered one of the top coaches available. But if they don't have any objective way to define best candidates, they better interview that guy (Dennis Green?) from Minnesota if he applied.

There was a story in Sports illustrated recently about how this is not a problem in baseball right now. The two most desirable managers are both Black men. (Dusty Baker and I forget the other guy.)


I just see it as coaching in the NFL is a very visable career, they already know you and your accompolishments without interviewing you. What more could someone possibly learn from an hour interview that they don't know from all of the exposure, talk, etc etc of people in the position to be a head coach? I can see how interviewing canidates would be helpful in the lower ranks like position coaches, and maybe just maybe coordinators but not head coaches.

I work for the government and we have this thing called merit staffing that is total BS, 95% of the time they know who they want to hire but they have to do this farce selection process, what it does is wastes the time and instills false hopes of the people that are not the person they have in mind. If the person they want doesnt make the computer cut for some reason they cancel the opening and try again in a month. I have had false hopes and my time wasted because I made the computer top 5 list several times and the position was closed because the person they wanted wasnt in that list.

I just see the Cowboys interviewing a minority canidate as wasting his (or her) time, it seems they already know who they want. Trust me it really sucks to be on this end of things.

PS how can Dennis Green be as sought after as Bill Parcells if you can't even remember his name?
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Ever notice that most players turned coaches are not from the flashy skill positions but most were linemen or mediocre players at best (that got paid alot less).

If you check the racial %'s there is probably a higher % of whites as linemen than in skill positions and since they don't make as much money they feel they need something after football. Dieon Sanders will probably never get into coaching but I could see Tony Siragusa getting into coaching. There is also different levels of interest between people of different races. IE how many blacks like hockey, NASCAR, or even bowling?

Just a thought


Originally posted by Heretic
Dieon Sanders will probably never get into coaching but I could see Tony Siragusa getting into coaching.

I can let alot slide but .... The Name's Dion! NEON DION! Been my man since the Braves.... Get it straight next time Geez! :biggrin:


Dionne would be Warwick.... Have they slaughtered the Kings name??? :confused:


Good! He had no business, leaving the Braves! I've been Pi$$ed ever since!

My God, that explains alot!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't fret none...

I am here with all the answers...or at least a good story or two...

The minority deal is this: Paul Tagliabooboo is steady wrangling the owners to commit to interviewing a brother first, a serious interview, before hiring any more non-brothers.

Apparently, the owners just agreed to do this at a get together a week or so ago and then Jones pulls his Parcels courtship gig.

Now, we can talk race all the live long day, but, here's a fact:

If your team has a black head coach, you are going to the playoffs.

New York Jets: Herm Edwards, won AFC East.
Baltim..err...Indianapolis Colts: Tony Dungy, going to the playoffs

Only 33% of the white coaches got it done.

Statistically speaking, we should have about, oh, 3.84 black head coaches in the NFL based on population race %'s.

If we did have 4 black guys total and both of the other guys DIDN'T make the playoffs then blacks would STILL outperform whites.

This is how we have fun with numbers.

Now, I give you Sherm Lewis and Ray Rhoads.

I give you Detroit, Cinncinati, Dallas, Chicago, Houston and Arizona. Not one of these teams won more than 5 games. Houston is new, so, they get a pass from the loser-rama.

Cinncy ain't done jack since last Century. Same with Da 'Bears though they did make the playoffs last year. Detroit won a pre-Super Bowl championship right after the Truman administration. Everybody knows how bad the cowboys suck. They couldn't beat their way out of a wet paperbag. They suck so much you could use them for a sump pump. They....nevermind.

As for Arizona? Anybody remember Jim Hart? St. Louis Jim Hart?

Only three of these teams have EVER made the Super Bowl.

Forget quotas. We don't need 'em. How could these teams ever justify to their fans NOT hiring Lewis or Rhoads? (we, Skins, should have hired Rhoads but Dan Snyder thought what he is doing would be better)

Ask Colt and Jet fans how they feel right now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

1...I agree

2...I agree

3...I agree, BIG time. Intersting aside; I met Gene Upshaw at a DC snob fest about 15 years ago.

4...use him as your avatar! Let's see how long it takes Vrai to figure it out! (Shhh!!)

"Yikes, honey! Who tha' hell Jet got on there now???"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Avatar Limbo!? Is that...

...anywhere near Sierra Leone? And did you have a nice time?

Most importantly, would you go back?


endangered species
I read in SI that Parcells agreeing to talk to the Cowpokes only meant that he was very interested in turning them down.:biggrin: :biggrin: