Tension, formerly Deuce...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Maryland's greatest metal band of the 80's, hence ever, is doing a reunion gig, headlining "Defenders of the Old", this Saturday night at Sonar in Baltimore. 5 bands, all old school metal.

Tension doesn't go on until about 12:30 so, it's gonna be a late night.

Yours truly gets to sit in on one song so, bring your own tomatoes. :evil:

Back in the day;

The band has been rehearsing their asses off and is preparing to do some shows in Germany next spring so, this is not going to be old, fat guys fiddling about. Except for me. It's gonna be old guys ready to kick ass. They are scary good and were always noted for being high energy, tons of musicianship and excellent performers.
