

Well-Known Member
Anyone in here been on it? Did it make you shakey? It's really annoying.

It will make you shaky. It is used frequently in women to relax the muscles in the uterus that cause premature labor. The side effect is worth not having a premature baby.


Well-Known Member
It will make you shaky. It is used frequently in women to relax the muscles in the uterus that cause premature labor. The side effect is worth not having a premature baby.

I'm only on it for the next week. But damn, I feel awkward.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting severe chest pains now. I have an appointment with the doc at noon.


How many weeks are you now? If it's too severe, don't wait long before going to the hospital. Sometimes mild chest pains occur because your heart rate is elevated and the blood vessels are dialated.


Well-Known Member

How many weeks are you now? If it's too severe, don't wait long before going to the hospital. Sometimes mild chest pains occur because your heart rate is elevated and the blood vessels are dialated.

35 weeks today. Just called the doc and he told me to lay on my left side. It's working but a little hard to type. Think I'll get off here now.


Well-Known Member
35 weeks today. Just called the doc and he told me to lay on my left side. It's working but a little hard to type. Think I'll get off here now.

35 weeks is good news. If you did deliver now, chances are the baby might be a bit small, but should do very well. My daughter delivered at 35.6 weeks and had a healthy 4 lb 10 oz baby. She required no NICU and her lungs were well developed. We brought her home 2 days later at 4 lbs 4 oz.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
35 weeks is good news. If you did deliver now, chances are the baby might be a bit small, but should do very well. My daughter delivered at 35.6 weeks and had a healthy 4 lb 10 oz baby. She required no NICU and her lungs were well developed. We brought her home 2 days later at 4 lbs 4 oz.

Good luck and keep us posted.

My son was 5 lbs 11oz at 35.5 weeks. But, my 38.3 weeker weighed the exact same. This one measured 5 lbs 2 oz. at 34.3 days. :jet:

Went to the doctor and was told to cut the pills in half. I did at 3:00 and had no problems. :yay:


New Member
Socki - I had preterm labor with my twins from 26 weeks - 34 weeks. It just stopped after that, on it's own. I was in L&D for about 5 days/nights per week getting terbutaline. They always gave me the shots (usually 3-4 in a couple hour period) but I wish they had just given me the Terb. pump. I also had the pill form 2 times, to take at home.

It made me feel awful; shaky, heart racing etc....The very first night I was in there, they couldn't give it to me for almost 2 hours, I was so scared and nervous that my heart rate was too high, they turned the lights out and made my DH leave and let me calm down for a few minutes before trying.

I wish you luck!!! I ended up having my twins at nearly 39 weeks...

Hang in there :)
With my 1st pregnancy I was on Magnesium Sulfate for a week. I was contracting every 6 minutes @ 24 weeks. W/ the Mag it slowed it to once every 15 - 20 minutes. This went on for a week until he was finally born @ 25 weeks. I felt as if I was so high on that stuff I could hardly function. Not an experience I recommend for anyone.


Well-Known Member
With my 1st pregnancy I was on Magnesium Sulfate for a week. I was contracting every 6 minutes @ 24 weeks. W/ the Mag it slowed it to once every 15 - 20 minutes. This went on for a week until he was finally born @ 25 weeks. I felt as if I was so high on that stuff I could hardly function. Not an experience I recommend for anyone.

I had Mag with my first 2 because of my blood pressure. It was awful. I hated the way I felt. It heated me up, made me puke, and made me see spots. I was uneasy holding the babies when they were first born. I had to stay in the hospital for 4 days after each one was born. Thank God, my BP is okay this go around.


Well-Known Member
OOOO! This means the littlest and newest socki will be here soon - in just a few weeks! :clap:

Doc is guessing next week or the week after. I'll go off the Terbutaline on Sunday night. My body's ready, that's for sure. Hopefully Baby Booti 2 is ready.


Baby blues
Doc is guessing next week or the week after. I'll go off the Terbutaline on Sunday night. My body's ready, that's for sure. Hopefully Baby Booti 2 is ready.

Oh, I'm sure baby booti is ready. 36-37 weeks is the safe range, so don't you worry. I'm happy for you!


SoMd Realtor
I was on it from the time I was 5 months pregnant with my last child along with constant bed rest. Yes, it made me terribly shaky. I found if I could eat something even very small before I took my medicine I handled it much better.

Just to let you know it did help me in carrying my daughter almost to term. With shots to help boost her lungs before birth she was a beautiful healthy little girl with no complications.

All my best to you and your upcoming little bundle of joy.