Terri's door opens just a little wider...


curiouser and curiouser
"She has glaucoma and now this heart problem, and who would want to live with disabilities like these?"
What a looney toon! I wish I could kick her in the mouth. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't believe that story for one minute. WND made that up to "bolster" their Terri Schiavo position. There's not way a judge would grant emergency guardianship for a person who is neither comatose nor vegatative. And there's no way the Hospice people would pull the plug on someone just because they were old and had glaucoma. And they DEFINITELY wouldn't go against a living will.



New Member
It said Hospice accepted her when she wasn't terminally ill. Hospice is only for terminal people. What a bunch of :bs:


vraiblonde said:
I don't believe that story for one minute. WND made that up to "bolster" their Terri Schiavo position. There's not way a judge would grant emergency guardianship for a person who is neither comatose nor vegatative. And there's no way the Hospice people would pull the plug on someone just because they were old and had glaucoma. And they DEFINITELY wouldn't go against a living will.

:yeahthat: A hospice would not go against a living will. They would be sued.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pete said:
This is the story Glenn Back was ranting about on his show today. I had to turn it off.

Pete, it's so hard to take any of your posts seriously with your AV... :biggrin:

Even a simple statement such as this...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
This is the story Glenn Back was ranting about on his show today. I had to turn it off.

...I am with you here. Both him and Limbaugh. I've always enjoyed, if not agreed, with those guys because they were always entertaining and ALWAYS at least 'got it' whatever the subject was. They'd find what was important about whatever they were talking about and go from there, and agree or otherwise, there was an intellectual honesty and a keeping of what I saw as the conservative faith.

Now, they've both become insane OJ lawyers who only care about winning the case, justice be damned. They sound exactly like liberal nutballs who stake out a position soley on emotion, leaving everything, law, reason, science and, worst of all, right and wrong, in the dust.

I feel like I don't even know them anymore. It's like finding out a good neighbor, after years, has this bizarre side, something that just is so out of character.


Larry Gude said:
...I am with you here. Both him and Limbaugh. I've always enjoyed, if not agreed, with those guys because they were always entertaining and ALWAYS at least 'got it' whatever the subject was. They'd find what was important about whatever they were talking about and go from there, and agree or otherwise, there was an intellectual honesty and a keeping of what I saw as the conservative faith.

Now, they've both become insane OJ lawyers who only care about winning the case, justice be damned. They sound exactly like liberal nutballs who stake out a position soley on emotion, leaving everything, law, reason, science and, worst of all, right and wrong, in the dust.

I feel like I don't even know them anymore. It's like finding out a good neighbor, after years, has this bizarre side, something that just is so out of character.
Exactly, I like Beck and even in the past when I did not share his opinion he stuck to the point, made his argument and seemed half way sane. Now he is all drama, sorrowful tones, shreiking and absurd. He has gone totally off the deep end. Even his show is suffering. Polls show the bulk of the country is against his position but hey you have to admire someone who sticks to their guns despite public opinion, but he is gone crazy in Garofolo/Franken style. Wild speculation, exstrem exaggeration, ludicris assumptions.

He started saying Teri Shievo's name constantly, I suppose to drive home the point she was a real person with a name. But he was saying it like every 5 seconds. Then he went and added a hyphenated "Shindler" to it to make a dirrect link to her parents "Teri Shindler-Shievo" every 5 seconds. the hushed tones, sorrowful cadence then straight to raging over it then coast into some long hushed introspective drama rant making it sound like "Teri Shindler-Shievo" had a hangnail and her husband was cutting her throat with a dull box cutter because we all know a hangnail is a horrible disability while an insurance agent stood there watching holding a check just waiting her to die so he could hand it to Michael.


Well-Known Member
Fraudulent story?

OK forumites...how does this work then?

If the story were created by some newbie Blog...of course I may doubt the validity. ...But that is not the case.

If quotes were created, places fake, staff non-existant: wouldn't there be a lawsuit?...Wouldn't the credibility of the reporter, the editor, and the website be shot? Who would want to destroy their own company over a page two story? WND has been around for several years and has millions of hits every month. So...with that being said: Should we assume that this story has some "legs" to it and can be verified by other press sources?...I will look on behalf of my forumite friends...

How about:


Interesting: I did a dogpile search on the case: the only ones writing about the situation ARE Blogs...no networks have chimed in yet. Is it because no editor wants to beat "the dead horse" of euthinasia warnings again? Or is it because it is a "non-story?"...we shall see.
Last edited:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...in all honesty, aren't we dealing with another messed up situation here?

while her immediate family fights desperately to save her life

So what, they're attacking the hospice with torches and pitch forks and being held back by a 59 year old nurses assistant?

Also upon Gaddy's request and without prior legal authority

This is like gun control; we're talking, it seems, about breaking the law and the rules, yes? If the hospice is violating the laws and the rules, another law or rule is going to....??? Do what?

The dehydration is being done in defiance of Magouirk's specific wishes, which she set down in a "living will," and without agreement of her closest living next-of-kin

Again, this has nothing to do with Terri because here yet again we have existing rules and procedures, it reads, being violated where in Terri's case the rules and laws and common sense were followed to a T over and over and over.

In her living will, Magouirk stated that fluids and nourishment were to be withheld only if she were either comatose or "vegetative," and she is neither. Nor is she terminally ill, which is generally a requirement for admission to a hospice.

Redundant. Still nothing even remotely similar to Terri's case and another example that the rules, it seems, are being ignored. Apples and oranges. Grandma, people are breaking the rules. Terri, the rules were beaten to pieces ands still, rightly, survived.

Magouirk lives alone in LaGrange, though because of glaucoma she relied on her granddaughter, Beth Gaddy, to bring her food and do errands.

So now we come to the meat; nobody gave one #### about Grandma until cameras showed up and the only person who stood by her is making a decision.

"Grandmama is old and I think it is time she went home to Jesus,

This is what BLOWS my mind. Why isn't this crystal clear to Christians? Glenn Beck gonna come adopt granny now? She gonna move in with Delay? Limbaugh? The ONLY person who cares for or does anything for grandma is the ONLY person in any posittion to speak for her. What in the hell is wrong with an old woman, obviously at the end of the road, going off to meet her maker? God wants her to lay there and rot? Like Terri?

I do not get it.

determined that her aortic dissection is contained and not life-threatening at the moment.

At the moment. Yep, any moment now, granny gonna jump up and go cut a rug. Or, any moment now granny gonna die anyway BECASUSE SHE'S OLD, sick and now, chopped up in yet another expensive procedure to...to...extend the life of a woman who was already infirm!

At the moment.

Mullinax also states that Gaddy did not hold power of attorney, a fact he learned from the hospice's in-house legal counsel, Carol Todd

Sigh. Guess we better do something. Like pass a law demanding people follow the law?

that the LaGrange Hospital had failed to exercise due diligence

Somebody call Randal Terry! Get Delay on the horn! Where's Jesse?

Todd explained that Gaddy had only a financial power of attorney, not a medical power of attorney, and Magouirk's living will carefully provided that a feeding tube and fluids should only be discontinued if she was comatose or in a "vegetative state" – and she was neither.

Yes, Todd, who had nothing to do with granny up until now....

Under the terms of his ruling, Gaddy was granted full and absolute authority

Get Tom Delay. Another run away judge is passing...JUDGEMENT.
Gasp. One shouldn't suppose he had CAUSE seeings as he's reviewed the case and all?

Apparently, he has not made a final ruling, but favors giving permanent guardianship power to Gaddy, who is anxious to end her grandmother's life.

Favors!? Why, just so he can help KILL gran? Or maybe his reivew of the case makes sense? Perish the thought!

Ken Mullinax does not want that to happen to his aunt.

So Ken, gran moving in with you today?

"If she would just give us a chance to keep Aunt Mae alive, that's all we ask," he said. "They [Beth and her husband, Dennis Gaddy] have a family and Beth is a teacher, and it was just getting to be a lot of trouble. But I'm the caregiver for my mom, and Aunt Mae could move in with us. We'll buy another house with a bedroom and we'll take care of her. She can move in with us once she can leave the hospital."

Ken, any reason Gran wasn't moved in with your compassionate self long ago?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
OK forumites...how does this work then?
Hessian, I think you know intellectually that this story can't possibly be true as written. No judge would give emergency guardianship to a granddaughter when the patient is lucid and aware (as the article states). No Hospice would disregard a living will (re:legal document) period, let alone with someone who was perfectly capable of speaking for themselves (as the article insinuates).

They're making it sound like this perfectly healthy woman is being drugged and killed by the granddaughter, Hospice and the judicial system. No doctor in America will just "take your word for it" that you speak for an incapacitated person. At the very minimum, the granddaughter would have to show that she had some kind of legal authority before doctors would even give her the time of day. And there's no judge in the world that would just "take her word for it" that the granddaughter was next-of-kin and grant her guardianship.

And I'll tell you something else - it's become all the fashion to attack Hospice and disparage their fine organization and I'm sick of it. The Republicans have gone after everyone associated with the Schiavo case like...well, like a bunch of DU liberals.

Pete was talking about Glenn Beck above - one of the things he's been doing is playing "JeopTARDy" (or something like that) where callers answer questions for prizes. One of his catagories is "Michael (Schiavo), Michael (Jackson) or Michael (Moore)" and the questions run along the lines of "Which Michael should rot in prison for the rest of his stinking life?" "Which Michael is a cold-blooded killer?" Stuff like that - he's just completely off the deep end and so is Rush Limbaugh.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
The Republicans have gone after everyone associated with the Schiavo case like...well, like a bunch of DU liberals.
Why? My theory is that they perceive Michael as giving up hope on Terri, which to them is an unforgivable sin. It pushes an emotional button in them that overcomes any sense of logic. The DU liberals act the same way when a political issue appears to them like the "big guy" bullying the "little guy." What do you think?


Well-Known Member
On that particular Glenn Beck show, he sounded as fruity loop as Barbara Boxer. Until that show, I thought he was a reasonable type of talk show host.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...I am with you here. Both him and Limbaugh. I've always enjoyed, if not agreed, with those guys because they were always entertaining and ALWAYS at least 'got it' whatever the subject was. They'd find what was important about whatever they were talking about and go from there, and agree or otherwise, there was an intellectual honesty and a keeping of what I saw as the conservative faith.

Now, they've both become insane OJ lawyers who only care about winning the case, justice be damned. They sound exactly like liberal nutballs who stake out a position soley on emotion, leaving everything, law, reason, science and, worst of all, right and wrong, in the dust.

I feel like I don't even know them anymore. It's like finding out a good neighbor, after years, has this bizarre side, something that just is so out of character.
:killingme :killingme


Lovin' being Texican
Read the blogs. See the following which may or maynot prove the originally cited article is another bogus posting.

To: sionnsar; All
I happen to know the people involved....this is totally bogus. Nobody knows the details of the story. Ms. Gaddy is a very nice woman who loves her grandmother very much and has been caring for her, (along with her mom, sister, and brother), for over ten years. There is no need in anyone trying to compare this to Terri Schivao in any way. The lady who is in hospice is 81, she has slowly been deteriorating since the death of her husband almost if not over a decade ago. LaGrange Hospice is a very nice place, and as we all know, it is designed to make you feel more at home in your last moments here. Ms. Magouirks' nephew, is trying to media attention. As long as I have known them, over 23 years, Never have I heard of any of them traveling down here to care for her. Ms. Magouirk is not eating, because she doesn't want to. Ms. Gaddy is a very christian person who is just doing what the doctors have advised. All I ask is that you look into the facts instead of listening to what someone says, just trying to make something a national headline. In the LaGrange Daily News, www.lagrangenews.com , Mr. Mullinex states:

“She (Gaddy) said, ‘I think it’s time she (her grandmother) goes home to Jesus, that’s she’s too sick and would not have a good quality of life,” Kenneth Mullinax said.
His complaints have been posted on Internet Web logs that have been in overdrive since the Terri Schiavo case.
“All of the Terri Schiavo people have come to our rescue,” Mullinax said. “This thing’s going national.”

He is more interested in the fame than her actual well being. He even admits in the article that Ms. Gaddy has the best interests at heart. People are going to think what they want and people are going to judge, even though it is not their place to.

In retrospect to the Schivao case...all I have to say is...all of these christian people posting rewards for the murder of Micheal Schivao: You need to read your Bible again, because if he was murdering his wife, then what do you call what they were trying to do to him???????


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
I feel like I don't even know them anymore. It's like finding out a good neighbor, after years, has this bizarre side, something that just is so out of character.
Why do you think they are so worked up about this case? I've never listened to ANY political talk radio, but my impression of Limbaugh is that his conservative views are old-school, meat-and-potatoes stuff. Tax rates and the size of government, not marriage laws and school prayer. Is it possible that he's just playing to a key part of the conservative audience?

When I posted my theory above, I was thinking mostly of religion-oriented commentators like Cal Thomas. I can't read more than a paragraph or two of Thomas' sanctimonious views without tossing the paper aside in disgust.


Well-Known Member
Now...the Rest of the story...

Thanks to Lenny for finding the other half of the story (if it is not a bogus counter-argument!)

Man I wish the public would stop slamming Christians over these matters.
Why is there such animosity towards people who want to preserve life?
How many Christians were butchered by the SS & Nazis for trying to hide Jews? Who ran the orphanages in China despite the brutal Mao's policies?
What motivated Reagan to demand that Gorbachov open up East Germany?

Christianity and a desire for Freedom...
So what-they get a little wacky sometimes...You WOULD turn to them if you were hunted down or needing refuge...but until then,--lets just be happy to denounce & mock them.


b*tch rocket
Hessian said:
Man I wish the public would stop slamming Christians over these matters.
Why is there such animosity towards people who want to preserve life?
:yeahthat: I just don't get why people get so upset because some folks find death by starvation apallingly cruel. :bawl: