Terror attacks on US Soil...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...are a real threat, right? Everyone understands that, right? Everybody knows we are hated by some people because we are free and they are not, right? That they'd rather kill us than join us? Right?

I originally wrote a big, long, boring tale to help me explore just what is wrong with liberals and democrats theses days, but, I'll spare the bandwidth.

Read, please:


People on the left bristle when they perceive their patriotism is being questioned. Well, if the complaints of the left win the day then the obvious outcome is that we just let this stuff go, which is how we got here in the first place.

If anything, I would think the left, being patriots, pro US, freedom loving patriots and all, would raise HOLY HELL that the government is not being aggressive enough in place of these wild, irresponsible verbal and mental gymnastics that state emphatically that what we are trying to do is wrong. That Hans and France should still be determining our fate. That we stick our ### back in the air and our head back in the sand.

Read it again, just to be sure.

And thank you, Washington Post.


Yep it was a conspiracy concocted by a collaberation between Bush, Clinton, Gore, Blix, Chirac, and Schroder.

"So if you like a good conspiracy, this one's a doozy. And the best thing about it is that if all these people are lying, there's only one person who ever told the truth: Saddam Hussein. And now we can't find him either."

Maybe Saddam Hussein never existed either?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
9-11 was a loooong time ago. People don't even remember it anymore, unless they had someone they know die. Maybe not even then. A lot has happened since then to distract us. Hell, it was two American Idols ago.

We've forgotten about the War on Tara. Maybe they should hit us again, just to remind us.

So there's the quandry - if Bush prevents another 9-11 by ousting the Saddam Hussein's of the world, he's a bad guy. If he ignores them and we get attacked again, he's a bad guy. What's a cowboy to do?

Here's your "ding ding ding" moment:

The Lefties want crime to go away, however they don't want to incarcerate or execute criminals, nor do they want to arm the public against these criminals. The Lefties want to give them cable TV, free education and "compassion" in hopes they'll change their minds and start following the laws of this country.

The Lefties also want terrorism to go away. Yet they don't want to so much as speak sharply to terrorist leaders, nor do they want to kick terrorists out of our country. The Lefties want to give them money, food, technology and "compassion" in hopes they'll change their minds and quit trying to kill us.

At least they're consistent.

It's like these parents who buy their kid treats, with a promise to behave. Then, once the kid gets his treat, he starts having a fit again. So the parent buys him another treat to shut him up. And the cycle begins.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
9-11 was a loooong time ago. People don't even remember it anymore, unless they had someone they know die. Maybe not even then. A lot has happened since then to distract us. Hell, it was two American Idols ago.

We've forgotten about the War on Tara. Maybe they should hit us again, just to remind us.

So there's the quandry - if Bush prevents another 9-11 by ousting the Saddam Hussein's of the world, he's a bad guy. If he ignores them and we get attacked again, he's a bad guy. What's a cowboy to do?

Here's your "ding ding ding" moment:

The Lefties want crime to go away, however they don't want to incarcerate or execute criminals, nor do they want to arm the public against these criminals. The Lefties want to give them cable TV, free education and "compassion" in hopes they'll change their minds and start following the laws of this country.

The Lefties also want terrorism to go away. Yet they don't want to so much as speak sharply to terrorist leaders, nor do they want to kick terrorists out of our country. The Lefties want to give them money, food, technology and "compassion" in hopes they'll change their minds and quit trying to kill us.

At least they're consistent.

It's like these parents who buy their kid treats, with a promise to behave. Then, once the kid gets his treat, he starts having a fit again. So the parent buys him another treat to shut him up. And the cycle begins.

Impossible to state it any better. Awesome post! :smile:


New Member
Oh my god I really cannot believe how skewed your views are.

I supported the Iraqi War because I am a supporter of intervening overseas when a despot is killing his people and oppressing them. Bush's argument of WMD was pretty compelling too and definitely did not prevent me from supporting the war. I honestly believed the man when he said that Hussein had them. Well it has been over a month with access to everything in Iraq and we have only found two portable labs that are supposed to justify the war. We have not found anything and Hussein did not use anything on our troops. That does not sound like the actions of the despot that Hussein is...We all have to agree that if that animal had them he most definitely would have used them against us but he did not. I agree he probably had these chemical weapons with him but what nation does not? Hell, North Korea has a nuclear warhead and what are we doing there? All of a sudden it is diplomacy.

I really wanted to support Bush, I really did but the things that have happened in Iraq have turned me so completely off. The Iraqi people are not exactly embracing us now are they? There is an anti-American protest everyday in Baghdad. How many men have been killed since the war was ended? We are not going to end the hatred of our nation by simply getting rid of a leader. Right now Shiite Muslims are coming to power in Iraq and whatever government that we put in place there is going to be overthrown soon after we leave (just like the shah in Iran). We can get rid of every single leader of the Islamic World and think that we are going to end terrorism but I am sorry my friends that will not be the case.

There is a better way...we need to get out of the Middle East's business. The people there hate America because our power is so prevalent and dominating. American and other western business interests used to control much of the econoic activity in the Middle East earlier this century and the Muslims resent that completely. We will never change that. They resent that we have troops stationed throughout the region. They resent that wherever we go blue jeans and rock 'n' roll follow. We need to give the region a Palestinian state and then get out...they don't want us so let's not force ourselves on them.

As for liberals and crime...I agree the extreme lefties will never do anything to punish criminals...we're talking excessive parole, light sentences, etc. But the extremist conservative way of controlling crime is one of no trial, death by slow processes, etc. We need to find the middle way and I am proud to say that Bill Clinton did this. During the Reagan and Bush years, crime generally icreased but under Mr. Clinton the rate of violent crime decreased dramatically. That is largely due to Clinton's proposals to increase the application of the death penalty, put more cops on the street, and toughen sentences. But most importantly, crime decreases when the economy gets better.

Liberals (at least the mainstream liberals and not some of these extremists) are the most patriotic people that I know. We value the ideas of freedom, civil rights, and apple pie. We love our nation including the right of the people to dissent from popular ideas (after all that is what the foundation of this nation is on). We support the protection of America that works and not one that randomly targets foreign leaders. We want the same thing but have different methods to accomplish that...the liberal/moderate one will work, the conservative one will not.


I guess that I'll again go on record as the only Republican on this site who does not see terrorists launching any more attacks on US soil. And also that Americans are letting fear and paranoia run amock.

Dems... yes there are some protests everyday out in Iraq, but how many million Iraqis are there? If you used the same logic you would have to overturn Roe V. Wade because a like number of Anti-Abortion protests are held. If you don't take the opinions of several thousand anti-abortion protesters seriously, why should we worry about several thousand anti-American protestors? We're getting their country back in order, and with each improvement the support of these trouble makers goes down. Thank goodness the Bush administration is wise enough to realize this even though you aren't.:razz2:

Lastly, some people in the Middle East only hate Americans because they are fed a non-stop stream of propoganda by leaders with one agenda or another. 99% of people in the Middle East do not hate Americans... once again you are projecting the views of a few vocal miscreants on the many. I've been out to the Middle East many times and your views are pretty bogus.

My only beef with the Middle East is that there will never be peace until someone gets rid of the leaders of the terrorist groups. The leaders of Hamas and the other groups live like kings and are treated better than rock stars. They get all of riches they could ever want, they live the best lives, and all that will go away once peace comes. Do you think these guys want to give up their lifestyles to become goat herders or pita bread bakers? No way! As long as the fighting continues, their power continues.


New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
Liberals (at least the mainstream liberals and not some of these extremists) are the most patriotic people that I know. We value the ideas of freedom, civil rights, and apple pie. We love our nation including the right of the people to dissent from popular ideas (after all that is what the foundation of this nation is on). We support the protection of America that works and not one that randomly targets foreign leaders. We want the same thing but have different methods to accomplish that...the liberal/moderate one will work, the conservative one will not.

Wow...Our views are skewed? :biggrin:
Is the typical conservative, who values life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (ole TJ got the order right, btw) really that bad? :razz2:

Big difference between valuing "freedom" and "liberty"; perhaps the biggest difference between modern liberals and conservatives. The liberal method depends on human nature changing, putting the will of the collective above the desire of the self at all times. The conservative method believes that human nature remains constant, and there needs to be both strong rewards and consequences for our actions.