Terrorists take control of Airplane with phone app


Lawful neutral
Want to control the plane you're flying in? Don't worry, there's an app for that... Hacker demonstrates system that can hijack onboard computers | Mail Online

It is a terrifying prospect – a would-be hijacker seizes control of a plane from the ground armed with nothing more than a smartphone.

But such a scenario could come to pass, according to an internet security consultant.

He says he has created an app that can take over a plane’s computers, giving the phone and its user total control of the aircraft.


Power with Control
Not a worry, really. %99 of what he's doing is showing messages to the crew. A crew could ignore those messages and if he did manage to change the autopilot, the crew could simply take manual control.

While I'm sure this be a plot line some future episode on NCIS, in the real world, you dont have to worry about it.

and Misfit, your title is a bit misleadaing


PREMO Member
didn't some 9-11 Truther's claim this is what happened on 9/11

the Pentagon flew the planes remotely No Mooselimbs involved



Power with Control
didn't some 9-11 Truther's claim this is what happened on 9/11

the Pentagon flew the planes remotely No Mooselimbs involved


Sort of, but they posited that the govt somehow either secretly took aircraft identical to the incident aircraft and modified them in secret with R/C systems, and on 9/11 substituted them, leaving open the question about what the govt them did with four aircraft full of people or that they ahead of time, somehow rigged stealth R/C systems into the actual incident aircraft, and overrode the pilots.

Either plot requires a large amount of Americans (hundreds at a minimum) willing to go along with a plot to kill thousands of fellow Americans and never talk.


PREMO Member
Sort of, but they posited that the govt somehow either secretly took aircraft identical to the incident aircraft and modified them in secret with R/C systems,

the nutter I read, claimed this was standard equipment on ANY Commercial Air Plane .... :evil:


Power with Control
the nutter I read, claimed this was standard equipment on ANY Commercial Air Plane .... :evil:

Hell, if we dont install this on the military stuff we sell to places like Iran (sucks being told you are at risk for being shot down by F-14s during your preflight brief, letmettellyou:)) it's certainly not on civilian aircraft