Testing into Kindergarten Early??


New Member
Anyone have their 4 year old tested into Kindergarten early? What are the requirements and would you rec doing it if a child is eager to learn and ahead of other kids their age?


Little ol' Me
I do not reccommend it. My mother did it for me and I did it for my son both wanted to learn and very intelligent, however by 1st grade we were both held back to get back on par with the other kids our age.
I do not reccommend it. My mother did it for me and I did it for my son both wanted to learn and very intelligent, however by 1st grade we were both held back to get back on par with the other kids our age.
Yep... it is not a matter of intellectual capability but rather mental maturity. You can't rush maturity.


New Member
It's all about being ready socially. As a preschool teacher, most four year olds are not socially ready for Kindergarten. Ususally there are issues later with social problems, always being younger, less mature and so on. I do not recommend it, and the test for public schools is very difficult (so I've heard) to pass for some of the same reasons.
Unless you plan to have them repeat kindergarten, (some kids go to private kindergartens where they are able to get in a little earlier, then do a year in public school kindergarten) I would recommend them do a preschool program or some other activity until they are 5.
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Dream Stealer
If it is a girl...I say go for it..a boy, I would think twice. I was in school early and did just fine, a few relatives of mine skipped grades and were fine..the common denominater seems to be we are all females. I have a feeling any problems with "maturity" are short lived and more apt to occur in males than females..really because of the ranges of birthdays, etc..they would likely only be several months younger.


New Member
I know a lady (our kids were in pre-k together) who started her daughter early. The Mom said the entire school year was a big struggle for her daughter. Her Mom even spent a lot of time working on things with her at home. She said if she had it to do over, she would have waited. That is one opinion. You would have to make the decision that you feel is best for your child.

PS The mother is an Occupational Therapist and she told the school that she would work with her daughter at home in addition to class time.
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Anyone have their 4 year old tested into Kindergarten early? What are the requirements and would you rec doing it if a child is eager to learn and ahead of other kids their age?

I'm not sure if they even do that around here. We've took the approach somebody else mentioned in this forum- my oldest tested way above level but I knew after talking to many others that the social skills that she learned in preschool (and kindergarten) were incredibly important for her to continue doing so well (she is 4th grade now). I wouldn't rush to put your child into kindergarten. What worked for us (I know, everybody is different) is we put her into a great preschool here locally and I supplemented her at home with personal one-on-one stuff. That way she didn't miss out on that important socializing stuff. So far, she is still thriving and doing great.