Right now my son is in third grade and is several grade levels ahead. At the middle of last year he was on a fifth grade level in reading and math. He had a great teacher, and I did alot with him at home. They were even learning Worf and Excel last year. His teacher this year is, I don't know how to put it...behind? Nothing that he has brought home this year is at all challenging for him. I have already had one conference and was told to give them some time, they probably were reviewing. I have seen no improvment so far, and the work is still way below the level he should be on. I have another conference scheduled for next week, I was told by someone that he may be able to "test out" of third grade. Has anyone done that before? Is that something common that you can request? I really love the school he is in, and take him to school everyday for the last two years because it is in a different district, but if boy is going to brain dead sitting in class all day I may move him to a different school.