Texans make a surprise signing, Says "We DON'T want Bush"


Well-Known Member
Charlie Casserly strikes(out) again! They could have traded down to 4 or 5 and STILL picked up Williams and got 2 more picks for offensive linemen.

David Carr has to be more pi$$ed off at Casserly than the Houston mayor is at Ray Nagin!!!


Nothing to see here
Smart move by Casserly, IMO. Bush is the best runner back coming out of college in years, but running backs are a smaller piece of the puzzle than a defensive end when it comes to building a team. Don't kid yourself, Williams was gonna go top 3.


Well-Known Member
I really think that he could have held that pick "hostage" earlier when Bush was still considered "the second coming". He could have worked it for a player, a swap of 1st rounders, and a later round pick. There were teams falling all over themselves to snatch Bush up. He waited much too long and then the rent-free house came out and the owner didn't want to touch this kid.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Yeah, I'm still mulling over this whole thing. The team needed a better defense that's for sure, and they are switching to a 4-3 this season vice a 3-4. At least we got some decent players in the free agent pool.


Nothing to see here
donbarzini said:
He waited much too long and then the rent-free house came out and the owner didn't want to touch this kid.

Not to disagree with you but if they had traded the pick earlier, a vast majority of Texan fans would have said Casserly should have waited. Casserly is alot better at the 'judging talent' part of the GM job then he's given credit for. Texans are slowly building,but losing, if the coach isn't getting beat up, its the GM and Casserly is an easy target. His way of talking and mannerisms make it easy for people to dislike him, but what you see if what you get, he has no other life than football.


Well-Known Member
While I will grant you that Casserly was overlooked to a degree as a talent evaluator when he worked for Bobby Beathard; I think there may have been a knee-jerk reaction which caused an over-evaluation of his abilities. I think he would make an excellent "right-hand man", but I don't think he is really should be a GM. As a born and bred Red Sox fan I think the best analogy I can use is this: He reminds a great deal of Dan Duquette.


Nothing to see here
donbarzini said:
I think he would make an excellent "right-hand man", but I don't think he is really should be a GM.

You're probably right, most everyone reaches their level of incompetency at some point in life. Ask Richie Pettibone.