Texas Community College Bans MySpace.com



Speedy70 said:
P.G. County Bd of Ed has blocked myspace.com as well. Students were impersonating principal's etc.

I wonder if NMCI blocks it also.


Witchy Woman
I have a myspace and 3 of my kids do too. All of our profiles are set to private so only people on the friends list can get to it. I CLOSELY monitor everything the girls do, and must approve the friends they want to add. If they EVER did anything inappropraite or dangerous I'd yank it with a quickness. I originally got mine to spy on my kids but now I really have fun with it.

I totally understand schools blocking it if stupid shiat is going on.


New Member
I don't let my kiddo online at all unless I'm sitting right there and it's a site I choose... Her PC is not even online.. I was having a talk today with someone who agrees with my that kids are being brought up too quickly.. Nose rings at 13, make up, hootchie clothes.. The openess of the internet is just one more thing that pushes kids away from parents too soon.. I want me kids to be KIDS as long as possible.


Witchy Woman
fttrsbeerwench said:
I don't let my kiddo online at all unless I'm sitting right there and it's a site I choose... Her PC is not even online.. I was having a talk today with someone who agrees with my that kids are being brought up too quickly.. Nose rings at 13, make up, hootchie clothes.. The openess of the internet is just one more thing that pushes kids away from parents too soon.. I want me kids to be KIDS as long as possible.


Our only computer is in the living room. The girls are under constant supervision when online. Not to mention, I have strict password protected parental controls and a keystroke generator JUST to make sure they follow all the rules. Never had them break them.

No way...no hootchie clothes or garrish makeup, no nose rings etc. But a little closely monitored time online (and you have to remember the 3 I'm referring to are teenagers) is fun for them. My girls are well brought up, intelligent kids with good heads on their shoulders. The internet is only as OPEN to your kids as you allow it to be. Ya just have to be smart about it.
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