Texas restaurant chain ordered to pay $2.8M to woman burned by BBQ sauce
A 19-year-old Texas woman who sued Bill Miller Bar-B-Q for injury after sustaining a second-degree burn from barbeque sauce was awarded $2.8 million by a jury.
Girl got a breakfast taco at Bill Miller (it's a TX BBQ chain), dropped it on her leg and got a burn from the sauce being hot. They gave her $2.8 MILLION for her "pain and suffering".
If you can become a millionaire because hot food burned you, the Totino's pizza people owe me about a billion dollars.
Most people would just go "Ouch! Sh*t!" and blow on the food to cool it off. But this chick sued because she's a ****ing idiot. And the even bigger idiot jury awarded her millions.
I get tired of these people. Lawyers who take these cases should be disbarred.