Texas Lawmakers vote against cancer vaccine


New Member
AUSTIN, Texas - Texas lawmakers are fighting to block the governor's order requiring that sixth-grade girls be vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer, with the House giving final approval to a bill to make the shots strictly voluntary.

Gov. Rick Perry's executive order has inflamed conservatives who say it contradicts Texas' abstinence-only sexual education policies and intrudes into family lives. Some critics also have questioned whether the vaccine has been proven safe.


:buttkick: :smack:


More Nanny State Interferance in Personal Lives

This is not Typhoid, Polio, Small Pox ..... It is a sexually transmitted disease and abstinence is the best form of protection. - Yeah Old Fashion Idea's I Know.

If Parent's want there daughter's to get this, let them take their daughter to the doc and get the shot ........ if it is a matter of not being able to afford it, then the Gov could provide it @ no cost / low cost.

I do not need nor desire the government interference in my raising my Child !!
This would be like, " We (GOV) want to cut down on Teen Pregnancy so we are going to require all girls over 12 to be on some sort of birth control."


"Typical White Person"
As I have said here before it is unbelieveable the amount of people that are looking for a nanny state. This should be a parents decision, not something forced upon them.


Gwydion said:

well thats ####ed up :smack: ........ wasn't me ........

PS: I hate Anon Red Karma - have the balls to sign it ..........


Asperger's Poster Child
Putting aside the question of making the vaccine mandatory, I thought it was outrageous that a Center for Disease Control adviser (Dr. Reginald Finger) opposed even making the HPV vaccine available because it might discourage abstinence. He opposed a hypothetical HIV vaccine for the same reason.


Lovin' being Texican
Tonio said:
Putting aside the question of making the vaccine mandatory, I thought it was outrageous that a Center for Disease Control adviser (Dr. Reginald Finger) opposed even making the HPV vaccine available because it might discourage abstinence. He opposed a hypothetical HIV vaccine for the same reason.

I guess if you're not one of the Kool-Aid drinkers you're not entitled to a vote, huh?


Asperger's Poster Child
Lenny said:
I guess if you're not one of the Kool-Aid drinkers you're not entitled to a vote, huh?

Who are you saying is drinking the Kool-Aid, me or Dr. Finger?


Lem Putt
Lenny said:
I guess if you're not one of the Kool-Aid drinkers you're not entitled to a vote, huh?
I can understand the resistance to the mandatory immunization, but are you seriously suggesting that it is appropriate to withold a vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer or HIV? Do you honestly believe that the threat of HPV and HIV is a factor in the choice to maintain abstinence?


New Member
If they want to maintain abstinence, show a picture of a penis infected with every sexually transmitted disease. Do NOT ban the use of something that could prevent the death of anybody.


Lovin' being Texican
MMDad said:
I can understand the resistance to the mandatory immunization, but are you seriously suggesting that it is appropriate to withold a vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer or HIV? Do you honestly believe that the threat of HPV and HIV is a factor in the choice to maintain abstinence?

No, I'm saying that in this case the Kool-Aid drinkers ("Freedom and libertarianism for all!") are faulting someone with a contrary (and based on his consistent values) viewpoint for stating his position.


Lovin' being Texican
Gwydion said:
If they want to maintain abstinence, show a picture of a penis infected with every sexually transmitted disease. Do NOT ban the use of something that could prevent the death of anybody.

Vaccines for easily communicable dieases like mumps, and measles makes sense when children and young adults must congregate in schools and at work. But all vaccines have some level of risk (I do not support the position that Thimersol in vaccines leads to autism -- but I do recall the Guillian-Barre' outbreaks following swine flu vaccine) that must be recognized. Mandatory vaccination to prevent an illness which is not only venerial but which requires that at least one member of the coupling be promiscuous implies that abstinence education is meaningless.

Abstinence education is a heck of a lot cheaper and absolutely safer than any mandatory vaccination program.

Despite the syrupy "One Less" television ads, the risk that one single prevented HPV case will save women from cancer is a terrible stretch. Read the package insert. Read the epidemiology and do the math. The risk of general, mandatory vaccination of all girls of a given age is greater than the limited benefit being touted. The only reason for demanding it be given to all girls in the target age range is to justify the exorbitant expense of development and production of the vaccine.

As a physician I am in favor of vaccines and in favor of Guardicil for selected women but only for those who anticipate a higher-risk lifestyle.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I would object more to having a kid used as a guinea pig. I know this drug has went through the normal testing, but what long term effects can there be. Thalidomide went through much of the same testing and it was found to cause babies to be born without arms or legs. Also what are the chances of a wholesale innoculation having the side effect of producing more resistant strains?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Just a thought... The HPV vaccine isn't an anti-abstinence or "green light" regarding sex the minute they are vaccinated. Eventually, most of these young ladies ARE going to become active, many before marriage <~~ AND that may not make a difference either (if hubby is carrying the virus)~~> and they may end up contracting HPV. Their cervix becomes dysplasic, some undergo procedures to remove the abnormal patches of cells before BAM! They have cervical cancer. Depending on whether a pap misses the irregular cell growth, it may go undetected... Issues of pregnancies and family arise.

I haven't read the PI sheet on the vaccine, but I would indeed be more inclined at this point to have my child be "one less" woman with cervical cancer.


Texas Lawmakers vote ag... 03-15-2007 03:32 PM Here is some Red for you, fill in your own blank i don't feel like wasting any more time on you RadioPatrol likes to ______ his _____ while getting his _____ by a little ______

Gee More Red Karma ......... glad to waste your time ............. :lmao:

No Balls Negative Karma Giver ......... :smack:
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