

New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
:howdy: Does this mean we have to celebrate your birthday all over again? :biggrin:

You celebrated w/out me?
Geeez! Well, how was the party? Any scandalous activity? :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:roflmao: I don't think he wants to.

Now what is THAT supposed to mean. I happened to have had a great time. I'd LOVE to do it again. It's not everyday you can almost get in a scrap with a mean ole man in a restaurant parking lot after almost 4 wheelin into his fancy car after going over a huge snowpile, go the wrong way on a one-way street, dodge manhole covers, scare the beJesus (sp?) out of a pedestrian:yikes:, all under the influence of several Long Island Ice teas and one Cement Mixer. I'm in. :cheers: :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by tater
It's not everyday you can almost get in a scrap with a mean ole man in a restaurant parking lot after almost 4 wheelin into his fancy car after going over a huge snowpile, go the wrong way on a one-way street, dodge manhole covers, scare the beJesus (sp?) out of a pedestrian:yikes:, all under the influence of several Long Island Ice teas and one Cement Mixer.
Why am I getting flashbacks? :roflmao:


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Can't discuss the party in details on an open forum... but this was Sxy on the ride home... :yikes:


:roflmao: :roflmao:


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
:yikes: So Tater, that WAS you taking a piss in my neighbors yard then wasn't it???

Holy crap. Was there anybody that DIDN'T see that? Geeez! :blushing: