Thank YOU Calvert County Sheriff's Department


New Member
Hi everybody. :howdy:

Each year we seem to lose a teenager particularly a Senior to a car accident. I saw the Sheriff's Office do everything possible not to let that happen this year.

On prom nites you saw the cops everywhere. But Friday was the last day of school for seniors. I went out to get some cigarettes and there were two cops at the fast stop checking someone out for DWI. Then from the fast stop to Patuxent High School there were 5 cops and each of them had a car pulled over. The same on Rousby Hall Road. I came home turned my scanner on to see what the heck is going on. I thought maybe a robbery had happened or something. Then I get a phone call from a friend which had just driven thru a check point. She asked the cops what was going on and he told her just making sure the kids get home safe tonight. I'm like DUH!!! Forgot today was the last day for seniors. So I just want to say thank you for watching out for our kids since I am the proud parent of a senior who forgot oh yea today was the last day, even though I had given my child some balloons, teddy bear saying follow your dreams and an icecream cake before going to work. As I listen to the scanner I noticed they were doing this in the mid and northern county also.

But I must admit, I thought I felt pretty good about our cops, then Saturday nite comes. I'm driving thru my neighborhood and a cop approaches my car coming from the woods shining a flashlight at me. I rolled my window down and the cop said Lake Drive was closed. I'm like Lake Drive is closed from here on, hmm that never happens in my neighborhood. Of course I ask why, she proceeds to tell me they have trapped some kids in their house and these woods due to an underage drinking party. Wow, you guys really mean business. So I turn the scanner on to listen, they had all parents come out to remove the vehicles or they would be towed. They knew who the kids were cuz they had their cars. But the kids wouldn't open the door or come out. Finally they did gain entry to the house, and the rumor is a lot of kids were arrested for underage drinking and some had CDS. Now could the courts please do their job?

So I would like to say "Thank YOU". We really complained during campaign season that the cops were never around. I have seen an improvement in the Drum Point and the Ranch Club area. You have made both neighborhoods, particularly the beaches a daily patrol check both day and nite. Thanks for watching out for the kids. I believe with everything you did and all the parents cooperation that Calvert County did not lose a teenager this year. Now let's just get thru May 31st, the actual graduation ceremony.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
keepsmiling said:
Hi everybody. :howdy:

Each year we seem to lose a teenager particularly a Senior to a car accident. I saw the Sheriff's Office do everything possible not to let that happen this year.

On prom nites you saw the cops everywhere. But Friday was the last day of school for seniors. I went out to get some cigarettes and there were two cops at the fast stop checking someone out for DWI. Then from the fast stop to Patuxent High School there were 5 cops and each of them had a car pulled over. The same on Rousby Hall Road. I came home turned my scanner on to see what the heck is going on. I thought maybe a robbery had happened or something. Then I get a phone call from a friend which had just driven thru a check point. She asked the cops what was going on and he told her just making sure the kids get home safe tonight. I'm like DUH!!! Forgot today was the last day for seniors. So I just want to say thank you for watching out for our kids since I am the proud parent of a senior who forgot oh yea today was the last day, even though I had given my child some balloons, teddy bear saying follow your dreams and an icecream cake before going to work. As I listen to the scanner I noticed they were doing this in the mid and northern county also.

But I must admit, I thought I felt pretty good about our cops, then Saturday nite comes. I'm driving thru my neighborhood and a cop approaches my car coming from the woods shining a flashlight at me. I rolled my window down and the cop said Lake Drive was closed. I'm like Lake Drive is closed from here on, hmm that never happens in my neighborhood. Of course I ask why, she proceeds to tell me they have trapped some kids in their house and these woods due to an underage drinking party. Wow, you guys really mean business. So I turn the scanner on to listen, they had all parents come out to remove the vehicles or they would be towed. They knew who the kids were cuz they had their cars. But the kids wouldn't open the door or come out. Finally they did gain entry to the house, and the rumor is a lot of kids were arrested for underage drinking and some had CDS. Now could the courts please do their job?

So I would like to say "Thank YOU". We really complained during campaign season that the cops were never around. I have seen an improvement in the Drum Point and the Ranch Club area. You have made both neighborhoods, particularly the beaches a daily patrol check both day and nite. Thanks for watching out for the kids. I believe with everything you did and all the parents cooperation that Calvert County did not lose a teenager this year. Now let's just get thru May 31st, the actual graduation ceremony.

I understand your thankyou but sort of scary that we now have to have sobriety check points at our schools not to mention that that many young drivers are abusing alchohal as well as putting us all at risk. Its also disapointing that driver education isn't getting thru to these young people. :coffee:


Lem Putt
High EGT said:
I understand your thankyou but sort of scary that we now have to have sobriety check points at our schools not to mention that that many young drivers are abusing alchohal as well as putting us all at risk. Its also disapointing that driver education isn't getting thru to these young people. :coffee:

The alcohol abuse in schools is nothing new. Enforcement is. I'd bet the statistics would bear that out if they were available.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
MMDad said:
The alcohol abuse in schools is nothing new. Enforcement is. I'd bet the statistics would bear that out if they were available.

Nothing new is right but if I were to believe my teenage daughter that kids today are alot smarter :nerd: then we were then then we should see a sharp drop in this type abuse. :confused:


New Member
you want to stop alcohol and drug use in schools, start random drug testing anyone caught with it in their system spends a weekend in jail, 50 hours of community service cleaning up drunk tanks or public restrooms near bars where regurgitations are present often. I could lose my job for using either one, whats the penalty for minors, there are none. Take their license until they are 21. no driving to the prom then


Lem Putt
sgt_turmoil said:
you want to stop alcohol and drug use in schools, start random drug testing anyone caught with it in their system spends a weekend in jail, 50 hours of community service cleaning up drunk tanks or public restrooms near bars where regurgitations are present often. I could lose my job for using either one, whats the penalty for minors, there are none. Take their license until they are 21. no driving to the prom then

Do you want to get rid of the entire bill of rights, or just the 4th amendment?


sgt_turmoil said:
you want to stop alcohol and drug use in schools, start random drug testing anyone caught with it in their system spends a weekend in jail, 50 hours of community service cleaning up drunk tanks or public restrooms near bars where regurgitations are present often. I could lose my job for using either one, whats the penalty for minors, there are none. Take their license until they are 21. no driving to the prom then

THATS exactly what we need a whole bunch more people in Jail over some BS. That will learn them. :smack:


Well-Known Member
I don't entirely agree with sgt-turmoil but I see his point. If there were harsher consequences for underage drinking, we would see a decline in teenage deaths. of course I firmly belief that those consequences should be handed out by the parents instead of the parents handing out the alchohol.


Lem Putt
MMDad said:
Do you want to get rid of the entire bill of rights, or just the 4th amendment?
Thank YOU Calvert Count... 05-21-2007 07:00 PM Liberal!

:lmao: :killingme looks like Sgt. Turmoil thinks I'm a liberal. And he's impotent and gives out gray.

Guess what - liberals want to ignore certain parts of the bill of rights. I do not. Objecting to unlawful search is not liberal at all.