Thank you Frequentflier


Throwing the deuces
It was great meeting you last night. My youngest thinks your store is awesome (so do I). The kitty treat jar looks great. I am in love with Sophie. I thought her "How dare you scold me for talking" look was hilarious. Ended up having to have a talk with my kids about the "bad" side of pet owners because of your cat. They could not believe that someone would just throw a cat out like garbage. It was a life lesson I didn't want them to know but it's unfortunately inevitable. :frown: I will definately be back in to really check out the merchandise. Thanks again!!


happy to be living
It was great meeting you last night. My youngest thinks your store is awesome (so do I). The kitty treat jar looks great. I am in love with Sophie. I thought her "How dare you scold me for talking" look was hilarious. Ended up having to have a talk with my kids about the "bad" side of pet owners because of your cat. They could not believe that someone would just throw a cat out like garbage. It was a life lesson I didn't want them to know but it's unfortunately inevitable. :frown: I will definately be back in to really check out the merchandise. Thanks again!!

:howdy: It was nice meeting you and you sons, too.
My dumped cat, "Shy-anne", is safe now and I will never let anything bad happen to her. She has really come around in the past couple of days. She chose the biggest dog bed to make herself at home in :)
Come back again soon!