Governor Thank You, Maryland


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Staff member
Maryland Governor


My fellow Marylanders:

As my time as governor comes to an end, I am grateful to all of you⁠—the people of Maryland⁠—for your heartfelt support and, in times of personal challenges, for your countless prayers.

The honor of serving as your governor is second only to the honor of being your fellow Marylander. I can tell you that there has not been a single day⁠—good or bad⁠—when I was not grateful for the privilege, and I am so proud of all that we achieved together in our mission to change Maryland for the better.

In my farewell address last week, I reflected on our many accomplishments—including the biggest economic turnaround in America—as well as the way we accomplished them. Together, we lived up to Maryland’s heritage as a state of middle temperament, and we enacted bipartisan, common sense solutions.

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Our story should be a beacon of hope for the nation, which seems more bitterly divided than ever.

I wish that all Marylanders and all Americans could see what I’ve been able to see up close every single day over these past eight years—that deep down, there truly is far more that unites us than divides us.

Serving you has been the honor of a lifetime.
So one last time, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and farewell.

