Thank You Senator Lott!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I say this with all sincerity:

To the HONORABLE Senator Trent Lott, Mississippi:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what I think is best for our party and the Nation!

This decision was clearly very, very difficult for you and your closest supporters. You can now stand honestly with them and all your fellow citizens with your whole record, good and bad, as testimony to your service to the nation. This will stand perhaps, as your most noble act, putting self last. This is truly leadership in a way you could not have otherwise attained.

Whatever can be honestly said about some of the darker periods in our nations history it must now also be said that Trent Lott fully understands his place and impact in our history and how it is viewed by all our citizens.

Senator Lott, you have now said in the most certain terms that you truly understand and you are truly apologetic.

Absent this sacrifice on your part, there was no place for you to go but down. Because of this sacrifice there is now only one way for you, your reputation and your legacy to go: Up.



Larry Gude
Middletown Maryland


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My letter would be more like, "To hell with you, Senator Lott, you scurvy racist."

First he praises segregation, then he goes on BET to patronize Ed Gordon - "Yep, yep - I'm ALL FOR affirmative action! I'm for reparation for slavery! I'm for ANYTHING that will make you quit looking at me like that!"


New Member
Way to go, VRA, I love it... hearing a conservative to genuinely understand that Lott IS racist. Way not to say things like "he need not resign" or "this hurts politically so we should get rid of him." Way to speak from the heart, buddy.
:clap: :dance:


Well, Lotts out the door and we are thrilled. Time to look ahead.


Dancing Up A Storm
Basking in the Warm Glow

Originally posted by Kain99
Well, Lotts out the door and we are thrilled. Time to look ahead.

:smile: I agree with Larry again, (sorry, Vrai) that Trent Lott took the honorable way out. You cannot enter a person's mind and tell what's going on in there, but I imagine it was no easy decision
But hey, now it's starting again: Rep Nancy Pelosi(D-Cal)
has gone on record and says "The Republican Party must now do more to erase the stigma of Racism"
Je&^%# F*&^% Ch*&$T!! Why not rachet it up one more notch!! Ex-Pres Bill Clinton(thank God he has an "EX" for a handle) has made basically the same charge.
Larry, you spoke of the "Darker Periods" in our nation's history, well if these kinds of statements are indicative of what we have to look forward to, it doesn't seem we've left those eras very far behind.:frown:
