Thank you


New Member
Well, quite a rough day today in Calvert County. Thank you to all of the wonderful Volunteers from Southern Maryland. We are so fortunate to have you.

God Bless You
Be safe :huggy:


Stop Staring!!!!!
keepsmiling said:
Well, quite a rough day today in Calvert County. Thank you to all of the wonderful Volunteers from Southern Maryland. We are so fortunate to have you.

God Bless You
Be safe :huggy:

Ditto. Still amazes me how they do what they do. :yay:


Happy Camper
Jeff said:
Ditto. Still amazes me how they do what they do. :yay:

Definitely very special people who do what they do! :thewave: Hope I never need their assistance, but it is really comforting to know they are there...
keepsmiling said:
Well, quite a rough day today in Calvert County. Thank you to all of the wonderful Volunteers from Southern Maryland. We are so fortunate to have you.

God Bless You
Be safe :huggy:



It is very true, we would all be hurting without them. I have been told that my wife and I were hit by a red light runner on the Fourth of July and Company 6 (Huntingtown) and Company 5 (Dunkirk) responded along with Medic (either 103 or 104). They cut me out of my vehicle and called in Trooper 7 to transport myself and the lady who hit us to PG Shock Trauma. My wife was treated and released at CMH and I spent 12 days in PG (I only remember 7 or 8 of those).

It is great to be able to thank your friends and neighbors who responded.