Thank You


New Member
I want to thank everyone here for participating in the forums with me and I want to thank the administrators of this forum. I have had a lot of fun discussing the issues with you guys. We disagree on almost everything (except gun control) but it is pointless to hear the echo of your own voice if you ask me. We have exchanged opinions, names (some were pretty funny), and ideas for society. Your ideas and points are tremendously valid and this forum is the best example of American free speech. On Tuesday this week, my party was rejected at the polls(albeit by a slim margin) and I congratulate all of the Republicans here on their victory. Frankly, you guys whipped our a$$es in terms of strategy. We just did not present a good message this time around in contrast to what we did in 1998 and other election years. Great strategy on your part and more people accept your point-of-view this year. Liberals, like me, however are still a respectable minority, we have some great idealistic thoughts. We will win again, its part of the cycle, but this time we were on the bottom.
Thank you so much for arguing with me and presenting a different side. I appreciate it and I will be here for the next two years waiting for the 2004 Election.


Does this mean that your leaving for two years? Gosh Demsformd, you can't! If you go all the wind will be sucked out of my sails and I will have no one at all to hate!

Stay Demsformd Stay! I love to hate you! Puhlease don't leave me with only level headed Republicans!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, remember to tell your party to go left next time! As liberal as they can possibly get! Nancy Pelosi for President!


New Member
If Pelosi was the nominee, I would change parties. That woman is just too liberal for even me. Yeah we really need to go more liberal. We did once, in 1972, and well that didn't work very well. The party needs to be stronger and actually have a mesage. We need to find another Clinton without the scandals and intern affairs. Daschle is too soft-spoken and Pelosi is just crazy so we need to find the happy medium.
And of course I'm staying. I love reading all of your opinions.:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, I'm glad you're sticking around. Without dissenting views, these forums get very boring.

SMC, you either want to win or you want to stick by your principles. If the Democrats take a hard left, they won't win.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by smcdem
What the party needs to do is take a hard left turn. The DLC is outdated and overrated.

I'd say you're wrong. The Democrats need to take a lesson from Clinton, and move towards the center. Clinton was a master at appearing more moderate than he really was, and people loved him! Moderates ruled this election. Just as the Republicans have minimized the religious right wing, the Democrats need to do the same with their left wingers. That will swing things back towards the donkeys.

I wonder what it would take to beat Stenny Hoyer? Everyone says he's untouchable, but that is only as current as the last election. Could a young man (or woman) with some fresh ideas, (like when Roy Dyson went to Congress in 1980 (?)) knock Hoyer out of Congress? Could Roy himself beat Hoyer if he changed parties?

Do people really believe the base lives and dies by Hoyer? I mean, the place did well when Wayne Gilchrist was our (rookie) congressman during the beginning BRAC's before redistricting...

Strategy would be interesting to hear...??? What would it take?
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New Member
It would take well an act of God or serious scandal to beat him. Dyson was elected to Congress because the Republican incumbent (cannot remember his name) was reported as being gay. Dyson merely put his name in the race as token opposition but this report made his campaign take hold and he was elected. Anyway, much of this district is still in Prince George's and its liberal black voters would never turn Steny away.
A winning strategy here for a Republican would be that he or she would have to be from PG, have moderate views, and blast Hoyer in Southern MD for his more liberal votes such as his stance on partial-birth abortion. Dyson would never switch parties (he is a personal friend and while he votes conservative, he may not neccessarily believe in all of his votes). Hoyer has this seat as long as he wants it.


New Member
It would take well an act of God or serious scandal to beat him. Dyson was elected to Congress because the Republican incumbent (cannot remember his name) was reported as being gay. Dyson merely put his name in the race as token opposition but this report made his campaign take hold and he was elected. Anyway, much of this district is still in Prince George's and its liberal black voters would never turn Steny away.
A winning strategy here for a Republican would be that he or she would have to be from PG, have moderate views, and blast Hoyer in Southern MD for his more liberal votes such as his stance on partial-birth abortion. Dyson would never switch parties (he is a personal friend and while he votes conservative, he may not neccessarily believe in all of his votes). Hoyer has this seat as long as he wants it.
To my Democratic friend, there is no reason for us to take a hard left turn. We did in 1972 (McGovern lost with only 17 electoral votes out of 538) and the entire reason for Reagan's and Bush's victories in the 1980s was because they successfully portrayed the Democrats as too liberal. Trust me, New Democrats are the only ones who can lead us to the Promised Land.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As for Dyson not necessarily believing in all his votes - GOOD! He was elected to be a representative of Southern Maryland, not push his own personal agenda. I think he's done a fine job.

Now I have a stupid question:

Dems, you said, "Trust me, New Democrats are the only ones who can lead us to the Promised Land." I'm curious why you would be so loyal to a particular party, as opposed to being loyal to the beliefs and values you hold? I know that I wouldn't vote Republican if I didn't feel they represented my ideology for the most part. Why shouldn't SMC go Green, if he REALLY wants a liberal in office?

It didn't kill us conservatives to have Clinton in office all those years (okay, figuratively it did, but not literally). Apparently enough of us voted Reform party in those elections to make the Republicans sit up and take notice. If enough of you liberals voted for a Greenie, I guarantee you it would make the Democrats pay attention.

As it stands, too many of you copped out in 2000 and voted for Gore, when you had the PERFECT liberal in Nader running. Had he gotten more support, I'll bet you'd have seen more liberal candidates in the mid-term. Of course, then the Republicans would have REALLY waxed your butts but that's not the point. If you want a liberal representative, why don't you VOTE for one?


New Member
I am such a loyal Democrat because well, America is run by a two-party system, where the Democrats are more liberal and the Republicans are more conservative. I am not as liberal as Ralph Nader, he is far too anti-corporation and far too pro-environment, and I truly believed in Al Gore. I was raised in a household where three things reigned supreme: God, hardwork, and the Democratic Party. I vote for my ideology too, which is truly moderate to liberal, an ideology that New Democrats endorse.


New Member
In 2000 the Democratic Party was shaken up by Nadar and it is starting to reach out to the left wing of the party now. This party needs a balance of moderate and liberal leaders. I do think that will make us look good to the entire electorate, yet still have a strong base that is loyal. Since 2000 I have strongly endorsed Al Gore, but over the past week I have retracted that endorsement. I think I will make up my mind when the primaries are closer. I really do like Kerry, but I feel SO BAD for Al Gore. However the best ticket for a balance of moderates and liberals is the almighty one, which is Gore-Kerry. I wanted that to happen in 2000 and if it did Al Gore would be the president right now.


New Member
I can't stands no more

As I read through this thread, I could not some of the obvious innocence:barf: being express. For example: Dyson is the gay individual and one of his lovers killed himself costing Dyson the congressional seat to a unknown school teacher (Gilcrest) when we were part of the first congressional district. This information is not nor will it be used by a Republican candidate. We in the Republican party do not want Dyson to change. You all talk about his being for County ideals but you do not check his record to find out what he has done to you. He wants to take away your responsibility as a parent. You are not smart enough to raise your own children without his and government assistance. He is for small business but is rated in the teens by business organizations in Roll-call. I challege you all to take an issue and check out what he has said verses what he has voted. I think you will find out that you have been had!!:biggrin:

Hoyer was pumping his congressional assistant here in St. Mary's county while his wife lied dying in Bowie!! Word on the street is that she also has had an abortion which he paid for. How much more gross can an individual scandal be than his support of harden criminals while openly supporting partical-birth abortion. The very concept that he is the sole congressional representative that is responsible for the well being of Patuxent River NAS implies that there are no competent individual in the Navy. Again, I challege you to do your studies and become informed about how you are being duped.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. As you all become more enlighted, I hope you will bring up the additional items of your interest or concern


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
To be fair, the Hoyer thing was very similar to our friend Newt Gingrich's domestic arrangement. Steny and Judy had been estranged for years when she got sick. She was actually living with another man.

I've heard the Dyson rumor many times but, frankly, never really cared about it all that much. I'm almost positive that if he could have kept that aide from jumping out the window, he would have. I've never had a problem with his voting record, either. He's a Project Exile guy so I'll overlook some of his other Democrat notions.


New Member
Newt lived up to his responsibility, resigned from congress, while Hoyer continues to live a lie.
One of the best ways to assure yourself of Dyson' sickness is to find out where he spends his holidays. I think you will be surprized at what you learn. As for the Project Exile, again this is Dyson's talking without doing the walk. Check the record.:bubble:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Rep, please don't make me stick up for the Democrats - it makes my skin crawl. If Roy Dyson is gay, I really couldn't care less. I wasn't going to chase after him so it has nothing to do with me. As to where he spends his holidays, I don't really care about that, either.

Hoyer continues to live a lie.
Care to comment on Rudy Guiliani's domestic arrangement? Anyway, I DON'T want to defend Steny Hoyer because I've never voted for him and never would. His marriage (or lack thereof) is the least of my concerns about him.


New Member
Roy Dyson is not gay, Republican you must be doing some serious speculation. If you knew him as well as I do, you would know that he has dated several women in the past couple of years. It's a shame that no Republican will ever beat him. Look at Barabara Thompson, she got her butt whipped.
As for Steny, he is a great legislator and I have full-heartedly supported him each time. It's too bad that your party will never beat him either. Steny has done a great job at protecting the bases here and he is a big supporter of military funding. In fact he voted against Clinton's budget cuts for the department. As for this infidelity thing, I never heard such accusations so could you give something besides your hatred of the man for proof. As I understand, he had six kids with his wife so could you maybe tell me something about his awful morals. Another Republican who did an intern: Tim Hutchinson and did he resign from the Senate? No. Did he prosecute President Clinton for his infidelity? Yes. He IS so moral. As VRA as pointed out, infidelity is non-partisan.
VRA, what don't you like about Steny? Just wondering.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
VRA, what don't you like about Steny? Just wondering.

Maybe it's his ZERO Percent favorable rating with the NFIB?? That might be one reason, huh VB? (Or did I just give you another one?)