Thanks, god...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...about time!!!

Steve Johnson, Buffalo Bills wideout, blames God on Twitter after dropping game-winning pass

It wasn't his own hands or the Pittsburgh secondary Sunday that foiled Buffalo Bills wide receiver Steve Johnson from hauling in what should have been the game-winning TD catch in the end zone.

It was God.

"I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!!" the 24-year-old tweeted from his iPad at around 5:15 Sunday after the Steelers' 19-16 overtime victory. "AND THIS HOW YOU DO ME!!!!! YOU EXPECT ME TO LEARN FROM THIS??? HOW???!!! ILL NEVER FORGET THIS!! EVER!!! THX THO..."

Athletes are forever giving thanks and praise to their god for a catch or a kick or what have you. About time someone followed the logic, their own logic, that if a god is to praise for allowing a good play then it only follows it's His fault for a bad one. :lol:


This. ------------------>
I agree.

However, he should've thanked God his coach didn't cut him the second Suisham's game-winning FG went through.


Athletes are forever giving thanks and praise to their god for a catch or a kick or what have you. About time someone followed the logic, their own logic, that if a god is to praise for allowing a good play then it only follows it's His fault for a bad one. :lol:

This is why I don't thank God for my achievements. My achievements are mine, as are my failures, and I bask in my triumph with self-righteousness or wallow in my defeat with self-flaggellation.

I do, however, thank Him greatly for giving me the talent, the drive and the intelligence necessary to achieve in my field.