'That's Real Creepy, Isn't It?': Gaetz Questions Lina Khan About Shocking Claims About Data Brokers


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I used to love to watch Congressional hearings but really it's just a bunch of blahblah and nothing ever comes of them. Politicians in general are just a lot of hot air and zero action. They love to sponsor bills to nowhere and waste time taking votes on things that should be obvious or are already against the law. Ex: "Let's vote to strengthen laws against child sex trafficking!" <--although that one might have just been a plot to get CA Democrats to admit publicly that they're a bunch of disgusting pedophiles, not that it matters because their voters are already brain dead and don't care.

Occasionally one of them will come up with something that should have been implemented all along, but when they take a vote it's split right along party lines. Or it gets passed by a Republican majority, then the freaking corrupt Democrat "judges" get involved and strike it down on some stupid premise.

🤡 <-- I find myself using that emoji a lot lately.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I used to love to watch Congressional hearings but really it's just a bunch of blahblah and nothing ever comes of them. Politicians in general are just a lot of hot air and zero action. They love to sponsor bills to nowhere and waste time taking votes on things that should be obvious or are already against the law. Ex: "Let's vote to strengthen laws against child sex trafficking!" <--although that one might have just been a plot to get CA Democrats to admit publicly that they're a bunch of disgusting pedophiles, not that it matters because their voters are already brain dead and don't care.

Occasionally one of them will come up with something that should have been implemented all along, but when they take a vote it's split right along party lines. Or it gets passed by a Republican majority, then the freaking corrupt Democrat "judges" get involved and strike it down on some stupid premise.

🤡 <-- I find myself using that emoji a lot lately.
And that children is how our government works.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Journalists Call Amber Alerts A 'QAnon-Adjacent Conspiracy'

ATLANTA, GA — Following a number of nationwide Amber Alerts issued regarding abducted children, journalists have rallied in calling Amber Alerts a QAnon-adjacent conspiracy aimed at misleading the public about harmless, family-friendly child-abducting Americans.

"Amber Alerts offer inaccurate portrayals of human traffickers innocently targeting young children for sex and monetary gains," said Bloomberg's Noah Berlatsky while taking a break from his usual work of supporting the legalization of pedophilia. "Every time an Amber Alert rings in the pockets of Americans across our nation, minor-attracted people become even more stigmatized. This is basically racism."
