So, at first glance, this looks like -- and felt like -- a significant loss for the right and conservatism. Upon their taking office -- and in this situation, it really was taking office -- Biden and company immediately set out to undo basically everything Trump had done. If Trump’s fingerprints were on it, it needed to be killed. Again, this looks like a loss.
But was it? If Trump’s win had been acknowledged, he would have been President for the last 3.5 years. A whole lot of bad things in this country and across the globe wouldn’t have happened. But they did.
But these actions and their results have acted as a catalyst for real change. Looking back, we will see this stolen election as the nadir, a profound inflection point in this country’s -- and the world’s -- politics.
We have discovered corruption and institutional rot that permeate our government and society. And this time, the evidence is so overwhelming it is impossible to ignore or write off as right-wing fever dreams.
The blatant politicization of the DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, military, judiciary, etc. -- really almost every aspect of the federal government -- has been laid bare for all to see. For many of these folks, the concept of equal justice under the law is something they discarded long ago. Many states are as bad or worse.
For years, DEI has been destroying institutions and companies across the board. That is ending now.
Institutions of supposed “higher” education have revealed themselves to be little more than dumbing-down indoctrination centers. Much of public K-12 education has been shown to be the same. The school choice movement is now unstoppable.
But was it? If Trump’s win had been acknowledged, he would have been President for the last 3.5 years. A whole lot of bad things in this country and across the globe wouldn’t have happened. But they did.

The 2020 Theft Saved This Country
Self-professed radio guru Jessie Kelly recently did a show discussing the reality that, often, what seems like a win in life can turn out to be a loss, and what seems like a loss can turn out to be a win. I was thinking about this regarding the up...
But these actions and their results have acted as a catalyst for real change. Looking back, we will see this stolen election as the nadir, a profound inflection point in this country’s -- and the world’s -- politics.
We have discovered corruption and institutional rot that permeate our government and society. And this time, the evidence is so overwhelming it is impossible to ignore or write off as right-wing fever dreams.
The blatant politicization of the DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, military, judiciary, etc. -- really almost every aspect of the federal government -- has been laid bare for all to see. For many of these folks, the concept of equal justice under the law is something they discarded long ago. Many states are as bad or worse.
For years, DEI has been destroying institutions and companies across the board. That is ending now.
Institutions of supposed “higher” education have revealed themselves to be little more than dumbing-down indoctrination centers. Much of public K-12 education has been shown to be the same. The school choice movement is now unstoppable.