The 4400, New Season


yeah yeah
Starts June 17 @ 9pm!

People who are signed up on the usa website, got the email proposing this question:

If you were offered promicin and a 50/50 shot of developing a 4400 ability, would you take it?

Would you?


New Member
watercolor said:
If you were offered promicin and a 50/50 shot of developing a 4400 ability, would you take it?

Would you?

yes, i think i would. it would be interesting to transcend the realm of the 'normal' human being.

the question of the season will be: is isabelle permanently powerless or will her abilities return?


yeah yeah
closetrebel said:
yes, i think i would. it would be interesting to transcend the realm of the 'normal' human being.

the question of the season will be: is isabelle permanently powerless or will her abilities return?

But would you want to risk the fact that you would forever be hunted. Because of the ability that you might posses, and one that could not help you if you were attacked, or flip it around to an ability that could harm someone else.. would you want to take that chance? Just a thought.

And Isabelle.. no.. I think she is stunned. Her powers as of right now are stunned. I dont know if they will get stronger, as the rage builds, or what.. or if she will be where she has to rebuild under a "teacher" or what have you.. but that is a question alot of us are asking. :lmao: Plus, its still just to weird that her and shawn have a "thing". ::heebiejeebies::


New Member
didn't think about the whole being hunted thing :jameo:

something else came to mind....

deanna was taking those shots when she was visiting dr. burkhoff (sp?). so will she develop an ability?

other questions:

will kyle come back? what i jordan really up to? will shawn really kill richard? what are the two factions from the future and what are their goals? will and all out war break out between humans with abilities and those without?


yeah yeah
deanna was taking those shots when she was visiting dr. burkhoff (sp?). so will she develop an ability?

other questions:

will kyle come back? what i jordan really up to? will shawn really kill richard? what are the two factions from the future and what are their goals? will and all out war break out between humans with abilities and those without?

I wonder if diana will or not. the reason I say this is, I am wondering if the promicin causes abilities to form in those of the unknowing. What I am saying is the people from the "future" who are being killed because of the existance now, must know something about those that they are giving, what have you, the abilities to now. And because these people who are with NTAC and who are trying to help the current and real 4400 (meaning the ones taking the promicin who werent brought back) already know so much about stuff, that they wont be given the opportunity, almost like a blocker of some sort. But that is pretty out there to think that they could be controlling the worlds existance like that.

I do think that kyle will be back. Especially now, because of the fact that whatever "entity" was inhabiting his body when he shot collier has been released, and people know that kyle didnt really do it, that he will be back, and might be able to give them some insight on whatever this thing was inside of him, of what it might have been telling him, doing to him, making him feel, etc.

Jordan is a weird one. I have gone back and forth on him for a long time. Because there was a time there, that it was such an alegory for his character, but then, it shot a different direction. Although, I have always gone back to the point of, I didnt see him at the beach when they returned, nor did I see him in the holding warehouse cell where they were all taken.. so umm.. is he a poser? Or was he brought back at a later date or what? I mean, when he was brought "back to life" (if he was even dead) and then put back on the beach- he obviously looks like he had a date with tom hanks on the set of castaway.. but geeze.. what happened to him? He is such a questionable character. You really dont know where his motives are. Because when he had the "center" before shawn- he was evil to shawn.

Richard, I am torn on. Only because they have built it that if he isnt killed, it is all going to hell in a handbasket, but if he is killed, that he wont be there to help with his abilities, and that will go to hell in a handbasket. So.. bah....

I need a refresher- cause I am forgetting some stuff. I am going to get the recent season and rewatch it.


New Member
watercolor said:
[...] Jordan is a weird one [...] I didnt see him at the beach when they returned, nor did I see him in the holding warehouse cell where they were all taken.. so umm.. is he a poser? Or was he brought back at a later date or what? I mean, when he was brought "back to life" (if he was even dead) and then put back on the beach- He is such a questionable character.

i have watched the show from day one and i never picked on the fact that jordan wasn't on the beach when the 4400s arrived, nor was he in ever seen in quaranteen. things that make you go hmm...


yeah yeah
which is he a liar... or was he placed there by the future, to "blend" in once the people were brought back, or what is his deal? Like I said, there is an alegory to his character too- that I have seen. Although, they could have just played that up in the first 2 seasons.. and then last season and this one- they are going to go crazy.

TWLs wife

New Member
watercolor said:
Starts June 17 @ 9pm!

People who are signed up on the usa website, got the email proposing this question:

If you were offered promicin and a 50/50 shot of developing a 4400 ability, would you take it?

Would you?
No, My kids & my family need me to much.

I will be watching the 4400 in June. :yay:


yeah yeah
TWL's wife said:
No, My kids & my family need me to much.

I will be watching the 4400 in June. :yay:

well that is a good reason not to, but what about if you were able to develop an ability that would better your family?

TWLs wife

New Member
watercolor said:
well that is a good reason not to, but what about if you were able to develop an ability that would better your family?
Yes, if the stuff didn't kill me first. Just depends if my DNA would work fist. Like would test my blood with it first before I ever tryed it.


yeah yeah
TWL's wife said:
Yes, if the stuff didn't kill me first. Just depends if my DNA would work fist. Like would test my blood with it first before I ever tryed it.

Well it seems that kevin hasnt died from it. Its one thing to resist it and keep plugging (like kevin did) but its another to just take it and have no effect.

So here is the new question. Let's say in the end, your body would give into the promicin, and it would create an ability- but the resistance would take place, and would be grueling, and make various things happen to your body (like lesions, and brusies, pains, and various other stuff).. would you be self-indulgent and still take it, to proceed to the outcome, or would you forego and just wait for the "war"?