The 4400 season 3


yeah yeah
The 4400 season 4

So what did you think of this season? There are some questions that I have unanswered- such as what the hell was matthew and or where was he from? Also, did you think that the ending of this season was a little cliche with the guy at the end turing and speaking as if it were to you? What about Isabel? Do you think she is done in for good or is it just a damper on her?
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Happy Camper!
watercolor said:
So what did you think of this season? There are some questions that I have unanswered- such as what the hell was matthew and or where was he from? Also, did you think that the ending of this season was a little cliche with the guy at the end turing and speaking as if it were to you? What about Isabel? Do you think she is done in for good or is it just a damper on her?
She'll be back with a vengeance. And the dude at the end freaked me out a little. What is Jordan up to, I mean giving his homeless buddies the crap to pass out, but make sure everyone is aware of the consequences.


New Member
Will the 4400 be back? The last episode seemed like an end, everyone has a chance to have 4400 powers. The last statement made you think, would I risk death to get power?
Plus, Mia and her mother are leaving to go to London, seems like a series wrap-up.


yeah yeah
Bavarian said:
Will the 4400 be back? The last episode seemed like an end, everyone has a chance to have 4400 powers. The last statement made you think, would I risk death to get power?
Plus, Mia and her mother are leaving to go to London, seems like a series wrap-up.

From the USA site:


The saga of The 4400 will not end with this Sunday's season finale, as USA Network announced Tuesday that it has picked up the Emmy-nominated drama for a fourth season! The new, 13-episode season is slated to launch in Summer 2007.
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yeah yeah
Elle said:
She'll be back with a vengeance. And the dude at the end freaked me out a little. What is Jordan up to, I mean giving his homeless buddies the crap to pass out, but make sure everyone is aware of the consequences.

See that is my thing. I do believe that she will be back- it has basically just "stunned" her persay. This is my reasoning. The lady that Tom traded maia's life for- that gave him the promythcin.. the letter specifically said that she needed to be killed. "Kill Isabel" is what it said. Period. And he only wounded her crazy psycho behind. He didnt "fulfill" what he was suppose to do. Therefore- I think she is only stunned.

Jordan is whacked. I am not to sure that he isnt trying to build something- but what he doesnt realize- that this was pure. PERIOD. It came from Isabel. I think he "knows" this but I wonder- when he was "killed" was he sent back to the future and learned more or was he just messed with- and brought back? Or did alana trigger something when she "helped" him? It wasnt only his homeless buddies- April was there. :jameo:


Happy Camper!
watercolor said:
It wasnt only his homeless buddies- April was there. :jameo:
I'm not sure, I don't follow it all closely but do watch enough when I remember it on to follow the storyline.

April was there to get some, the homeless buddies were the ones he sent to pass it out.


Well-Known Member
watercolor said:
So what did you think of this season? There are some questions that I have unanswered- such as what the hell was matthew and or where was he from? Also, did you think that the ending of this season was a little cliche with the guy at the end turing and speaking as if it were to you? What about Isabel? Do you think she is done in for good or is it just a damper on her?

I've been reading a site about the 4400. One of the things they've been trying to do is make sure there are no outright cliffhangers - just questions - so that if the series doesn't get reneweed, they can just leave it there. For example, when 24 first came out, no one knew it would make it past the first 13 episodes - so halfway through the series, it looks like Jack and his family make a clean getaway into the night, to live and fight another day. Other shows have had this approach, too, because they don't know if they'll be back. "Nowhere Man" had one of the best 'resolutions' when it became clear it wasn't being renewed.

That said - I've got a few misgivings about the show, because I think they're kind of making it up as they go along, and sooner or later, the cracks are gonna show. One of the things I always liked about shows like Babylon 5 was, for good or bad, the show's creator had the entire series mapped out from the beginning, while making allowances for unexpected departures and character changes. Deep Space Nine - which was basically Paramount's stealing of Straczinski's original idea - began to get tiresome towards the end, because they did NOT have a clear direction with how to resolve the show.

I think Collier is a messianic wannabe, and always has been - he has a martyr complex, which can be dangerous, because people who feel that way become oblivious to their OWN failings in pursuit of their cause. I think Isabel is out; I realize she isn't "dead", but I think the actress was just brought in and now she'll be gone. I'm guessing Alana has been grabbed by the aliens again and is being used elsewhere. I think Maia's predictions are sometimes wishful thinking, and the show's creators will dance around some of them, just to keep her "correct". For example, I can't see her mom marrying that guy - they'll claim that Maia NEVER saw her future, but just liked the guy, so she made up the whole thing.

I do think it's a little hard to see who's the good guy and who's the bad guy - and normally, I *like* that about a show, because life is like that. You don't "join the Dark Side". You have your own agenda, and some people agree with you and others don't. I just don't want to see it meander because the writers really have no clue.

TWLs wife

New Member
watercolor said:
4400 STARTS TONIGHT!!! I cannot wait to see what the heck is going to happen!!!
It was good. Jordan had a new power. Mostly evryone who didn't die has been getting powers 2 to 3 weeks later after taking that stuff.