The Anti Peta Army ....



Nice AntiPETA Site .....

Hello, you are now at the site of The Anti Peta Army, This Site was started by 2 guys that just cant take peta alf shac and other Aras anymore, whos basically sick of their bull####, lies, propoganda, and brainwashing, on this site, we will go by the names Holdin MyGroin and Shockey (founders and admins of this site) we are not against vegetarians and vegans who arent militant idiots like Peta and other aras, we dont care if you dont eat meat or animal products, as long as you dont try to force it on everyone, however we are against the #######s who think their opinion is better than everyone elses and think everyone should conform to their beliefs

This page is dedicated to the fight against animal rights activists and their delusional views, those who wish to join us, do so right away


and this was the original PETA Site Idea yrs ago when the net 1st became popular:

People Eating Tasty Animals