the archeological site in Norway



After a heavy day's digging at the archeological site in Norway,
researchers uncovered a priceless statue of the ancient Norse
thunder god. He had bulging muscles and imposing stance, and his
famous giant hammer. But most important of all, the eyes in his
fierce-looking face were made of two giant rubies that glittered
with a brilliant red color.

Of course, the two leading archeologists on the dig were both
determined that they should be the one to have their name listed
on the discovery. Pretty soon, a big argument was underway.

The two provided the others with a great source of amusement
for the evening. By the time they finally gave up and called
a truce, everyone else was feeling quite refreshed by the
entertainment. As the crowd dispersed, one junior digger turned
to his friend, and said:

"Well, that was a fight for Thor eyes."