The ban Tik Tok bill that doesn't ban Tik Tok


Well-Known Member
Or even mention it by name. Too scared of the Chinee and/or making too much money off them. Plus, it sounds like this bill may have been written by the People of the Leaky Labs.

From a post in one of my FB groups:
April 1, 2023
The Ban TikTok Act
Surprise, surprise... our government is deceiving us again.
Until recently, I gave little thought to the "Ban TikTok Act" making it's way through congress -- I don't use the silly Chinese app, so I didn't care. But a facebook friend recently alerted me to the wording of this bill, and suddenly I care! (Thank you Michael Groves )
So right now I officially STAND AGAINST the "Ban TikTok Act" ... And if you love and enjoy freedom, maybe you should hope and pray this dangerously worded bill dies and never gets resurrected!
Talk about "The Devil in the details"... I think this bill might have been hand written by Lucifer himself!
"How are they deceiving us this time," you ask?
Well, for one thing, there is absolutely no reference to the TikTok brand or to its parent company anywhere in this bill. It's official title is "The Restrict Act."
They advertise The Restrict Act as a law that will restrict foreign influences from operating on our digital devices, but it sneakily gives our own government sweeping powers to restrict ANY use of our devices that they might deem to be a threat.
The wording of this bill should scare the hell out of every liberty loving American!
The Restrict Act will give our own government sweeping powers to restrict security apps and protocols used on our personal cell phones and computers... making it much easier for our own government to spy on us!
Seems the Chinese are not the only nefarious government we need to worry about... our own government is keenly interested in monitoring and controlling us.
This bill gives our own government a lot of powerful weapons that I can pretty much guarantee they will soon be using to invade our privacy, look into our behaviors, access all of our accounts and bully us into submission to the power of the state. (Even more than they do now!)
Of course The Restrict Act doesn't come out and say any of the things I described, but remember the wording of every bill is subject to interpretation, and this dangerously worded bill is a gift to the powers of darkness always plotting against us from D.C.
Here's a sampling of the actual text found in this bill. Notice the unlimited power it gives to government to..
"take action to...
impose, and
enforce ANY measure...
address ANY risk...
arising from ANY transaction...
by ANY person...
with respect to ANY property!
Wow!...That's a whole lot of "any's" in there, and that word "ANY" could mean ANYthing... and give them power over ANYone, including you and me.
Here's ' some more text from in The Restrict Act, followed by a link to an article on this topic...
The Secretary (of Commerce) is authorized to and shall take action to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, or otherwise mitigate, including by negotiating, entering into, or imposing, and enforcing any mitigation measure to address any risk arising from any covered transaction by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States that the Secretary determines— poses an undue or unacceptable risk of (or related to)...
:: information and communications technology products
:: critical infrastructure
:: digital economy
:: a Federal election,
:: national security
:: coercive or criminal activities by a foreign adversary designed to...
:: undermine democratic processes and institutions
:: steer policy and regulatory decisions in favor of the strategic objectives of a of a foreign adversary
Here's the link...



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It's like I have said here before. It's not the laws that get you, it's the regulations.
This bill gives the Secretary of Commerce the unrestricted right to decide who to use it against and how.