The BCP Marriage Guide for Men.. Don't look girls


In My Opinion
Now, having been here for a very short time, I have determined that dating and marriage and relationships in general are of a concern to many of the fine posters that grace this board with their wisdom of daily life.

To date, I have not really contributed to the well being of this board so much as bringing to it valued lessons learned in my many years of dating and in the resulting marriage to the fine women that I was lucky enough to con into marrying me.

So, In all fairness, I feel as though I should begin my marriage guide to assist those men that are either married, or thinking about marriage as an alternative to the self sex life that single living brings us. (you know you do it,,, dont even try to lie about it)

once a week I will bring to the forum some words of wisdom that I have learned through trial and error. I hope that this can bring everlasting joy to all of those that find themselves waking up next to a women that is looking more and more like her mother every damn day.

Story one.
At christmas we recieved a food saver vacuum packer type thing, it has these little bags that you stick your food in, and a tag that says sealed for freshness on such and such a date.

Yesterday, since I was home early and my wonderful wife was not scheduled to be home for a few hours, I decided to assist her in her daily chores.
To make life easier and more sanitary for her, I decided that it would be in my best interest to open her dresser drawer where she stores her panties and one by one vacuum pack her panties along with the sealed for freshness date. Upon completing this project of love, I neatly placed the little air deprived packets of panties back into her drawer. I must admit that even I had to stand and look upon my work with great pride when the task was complete.

here is where my lesson comes in.

this morning, I awoke with little air deprived packets of panties all over the bed with a loving note from my wife.
it said

Put these back like they're supposed to be arsehole.
(noun edited due to censorship restraints)

The lesson.
Before attempting to do such a thing, take a photo or make a drawing as to the exact location of the panties. It is obvious that women like their stuff in an exact order, I must have violated that order that she holds dear to her heart by placing the panties back in the wrong order.

I hope that my words of wisdom will help each and every one of you to enjoy the same wonderful life that I have developed for myself.

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bcp said:
(you know you do it,,, dont even try to lie about it)

how long ya been maried cause I more self sex when I was married than I ever have now that I am seperated.

Ps the panty story is SOO TFF :lmao:


bcp said:
To make life easier and more sanitary for her, I decided that it would be in my best interest to open her dresser drawer where she stores her panties and one by one vacuum pack her panties along with the sealed for freshness date.
this morning, I awoke with little air deprived packets of panties all over the bed with a loving note from my wife.
it said

Put these back like they're supposed to be arsehole.
(noun edited due to censorship restraints)

I thought she would have been more appreciative. You should have frozen them for her so they would still be fresh. Maybe that's why she was upset. :shrug:


I'm Rick James #####!
bcp said:
To date, I have not really contributed to the well being of this board so much as bringing to it valued lessons learned in my many years of dating and in the resulting marriage to the fine women that I was lucky enough to con into marrying me.

So, how many fine women are you married to? Maybe you put the panties from woman #1 in woman #2's dresser and THAT's why she got mad...



pretty black roses
Who has time to plot stuff? I one can possibly sit around all day thinking of what they are gonna do to someone. :killingme :lmao: :killingme


jwwb2000 said:
Who has time to plot stuff? I one can possibly sit around all day thinking of what they are gonna do to someone. :killingme :lmao: :killingme

:high5: :killingme