The Bee Explains: Common Racist Hand Signals


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Racism is A-OK.

This racist hand symbol is very popular right now. It’s to say “OK” as in “Racism is A-OK.”

One Race to Rule Them All

This sign signals to other people that you believe one race is superior to all the others. Just say no to the One symbol.

V is for Violent Bigotry

This is very similar to the “One” symbol, but doubly racist because it is two fingers instead of one. Some people think this means “peace” or “two,” but they are probably secret racists.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The ultimate racist hand signal is when you complete a line or punch a cut out or flip a lever to vote for a Democrat.



Well-Known Member
Is this reverse racism?



Power with Control
Actually had a guy on this trip with me explaining that anti-fa (yeah, he pronounced it like that) was simply old hippies pre-emptily defending themselves against white nationalists. When I mentioned that maybe if you bike lock a guy who doesnt have a weapon, you might be the fascist, he told me about how the WNs were just as armed up and in equal numbers to the black block yahoos.