Asperger's Poster Child
The comments about DJs playing lengthy songs reminds me of a story that talk show host Larry King used to tell on his old syndicated late night radio show. As best as I can remember it, here goes. Back in the 50s when King was a DJ at a station in Miami, a woman with a sexy voice once called the station while a song was playing and came on to him. As soon as the number was over, King announced to his listeners: "Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a special treat for you. You're about to hear the entire 'Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall' album, uninterrupted." After starting the record on the turntable, King left the studio and drove two miles to the young lady's apartment. The radio in her room was tuned to King's station, and before he'd been there three minutes Belafonte's voice could be heard singing: "Down the way where the nights ... where the nights ... where the nights ... where the nights ... where the nights ..." King rushed out of the apartment, got in his car and drove back to the station like a madman, with "where the nights ... where the nights ... where the nights ..." playing on his car radio the whole way. After he finally moved the tone arm past the broken groove, the phone in the studio rang again and this time it was an elderly Miami gentleman, who said to Larry: "Vare the nights ... Vare the nights ... Vare the nights ... What the hell are you trying to do to me?? I'm going out of my mind! I'm confined to my bed here at the nursing home and can't reach the radio to turn it off." Mike, Fairfax (2/9/04)