The best of the best...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What do you do when A, someone shoots you, trying to kill you and B, you survive and C, your enemy gets hit and captured and D, you are a medic?

Watch the vid. It will chill your bones.

Read the after action.

This is why the US is the GOOD GUYS.

Pfc. Tschiderer, you are a better man than me and more importantly, a far better man than our enemies.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
What do you do when A, someone shoots you, trying to kill you and B, you survive and C, your enemy gets hit and captured and D, you are a medic?

Watch the vid. It will chill your bones.

Read the after action.

This is why the US is the GOOD GUYS.

Pfc. Tschiderer, you are a better man than me and more importantly, a far better man than our enemies.
Holy CRAP.. That was intense footage.. And AMAZING testament to their body armor!!