The best time of your life

When is/was the best time of your life?

  • Childhood/Teenage Years

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • 20's

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • 30's

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • 40's

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • 50+

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
When would you say was the best time of your life? Childhood? 20's? 30's?

I would have to say that right here, right now is the best time of my life. I have direction in my career (upwards), love my house (still remodeling but it will be great when we're done), love my husband more than I ever did because of the "growing" we've done together...:love:

So, just curious if anyone else would reflect on their life and evaluate it based on then versus now.

Big Fatty

When would you say was the best time of your life? Childhood? 20's? 30's?

I would have to say that right here, right now is the best time of my life. I have direction in my career (upwards), love my house (still remodeling but it will be great when we're done), love my husband more than I ever did because of the "growing" we've done together...:love:

So, just curious if anyone else would reflect on their life and evaluate it based on then versus now.

May 15, 2004 and February 6, 2006- I was 27 and 29 respectively

1st was the day I married my lady
2nd was the birth of my little girl

So my twenties have been pretty awesome to me by far.