The Brunnell rules?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I haven't said one word in here for two weeks about Brunnell and...the world has changed.

Suddenly, he's the comeback player of the year so far this season! He's 'recovered' his arm strength. He's beautiful. He's amazing! He's a top fantasy pick!

HE IS 0-2. He couldn't get it done when he had to against two mediocre defensive teams.

Todays Post made me snap. They're gushing all over the guy and asking him and Gibbs if they all don't feel vindicated and how gutsy it was for Gibbs to pull Ramsey.

Excsue me? So now, there is a new standard? It USED TO be winning, which included not fumbling in the red zone, not taking bad sacks and not fumbling in the open field like some rookie. And, it used to mean making the plays at the end of the game. Not getting close; getting it done.

"Oh my!" the paper says. He's got a new center. A new scheme. A semi healthy Jansen. He's got Moss.

Everybody jumped on the Brunnell bandwagon when we escaped Dallas and Seattle. OK, I say, winning is winning, nevermind if the QB hurt as much as he helped. So, now what?

Gibbs said that Mark is making the right decisions and getting rid of the ball and this and that. The man is in denial. He'd have shot Ramsey for putting two balls on the ground. He pulled him for fumbling once.

Brunnel is healthy and has his arm and legs back! GREAT! Who CAN'T play well when they're 100%? Aikman, Elway, hell Terry Bradshaw could still get it done if they were 100%. The point is nobody stays 100% all season and that's why 35-38 years old is the end; you don't bounce back as quick. You're arm can't get you our of jams when you're legs are hurt like it used to.

Brunnel is inching his % up. That's good but he still isn't at even 60% let alone 65%. He's had four picks dropped in the last three games. He still has trouble with mid length slants and outs. He's starting to get sacked instead of this visions Gibbs apparently sees of him getting rid of it. His two fumbles against the Chiefs were pretty much the ball game. The first woulda happened to most people, the second was a classic case of Brunnel is what he is and no more; he's been holding the ball like a loaf of bread his whole career on scrambles. If Pat did it, that's all we'd heard about, gotta learn, gotta improve. If the 'big time know it all' vet does it...why, isn't he playing GREAT? Next question.

This is simply frustrating because it's just wasting time with Brunnel, spinning wheels. Hopefully he'll have a great game today and we win easy but then there's the Giants, Eagles and Bucs next, plus 7 more games and he's gonna keep getting beat up, keep being 35, and then the arm is gonna look weak again and what do you do? The ice cold head case Ramsey? Maybe go to the kid...

I'm sorry. It's just total horseshit to start singing some guys praises when he is not getting it done AND when he's making rookie mistakes.

It's the same story as last year; Ramsey will get the reins late and be playing catch up. If Ramsey had played this far, we'd know. Like him or not, we'd have a body of work WITH the new center, WITH a healthy Jansen, WITH Moss and Patten, with a second year Portis and so forth and so on to look at.

5-0, making all the right calls, no screws ups, make the throws you're suppossed to, we're 5-0.

Give Dallas one play back and Seattle one play back and...we're 1-5.

The Post is praising him. I hoping this thing really jell this week and hoping Mark doesn't get hurt...all season.

Becasue, right now, we're teetering on the edge of going one way or the other.


You're all F'in Mad...
Hope his calf holds out...

Ramsey has proven time and time again he can't pull out the close wins. Without Brunell and this new cast of receivers, they're 0-5. :ohwell:

(Because Lord knows Ramsey couldn't see the big receivers they had, so how's he going to see these short guys?)
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I suppose that Brunell Skins Jersey I bought you for Christmas wasn't a good idea. :sad:


"Typical White Person"
Either Larry is related to Ramsey or Brunell put a whimping on him and grade school that he just can't let go.

Here are a few more people you can get pissed at too then :
All 4 sports Junkies
Boomer Eiason
Steve Young

Because this past week they were all stating how well he has been playing this year.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well thank you...

AK-74me said:
Either Larry is related to Ramsey or Brunell put a whimping on him and grade school that he just can't let go.

Here are a few more people you can get pissed at too then :
All 4 sports Junkies
Boomer Eiason
Steve Young

Because this past week they were all stating how well he has been playing this year.

...for making my point! It used to be all about the W.

Now, EVERYBODY would make Mark their #1 guy if only it were up to them!

You SO missed the point all this year and last. Brunnel MADE the point last year and Mark is starting to now; it ain't about a few games. If an older guy gets hurt, he loses alot more than a younger guy, for the most part, and this is more so with Mark because is NOT a bigger guy and does not have the Elway arm to bail him out when the wheels are hurting.

You can blame me all you want or you can look at the last two games and maybe the first three objectively. Boomer and Co. get paid. It's not like they're wearing Burgundy and Gold Under Roos.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course...

Oz said:
Hope his calf holds out...

Ramsey has proven time and time again he can't pull out the close wins. Without Brunell and this new cast of receivers, they're 0-5. :ohwell:

(Because Lord knows Ramsey couldn't see the big receivers they had, so how's he going to see these short guys?)

...we don't agree on Ramsey but, on something we can agree; How many close ones that Mark fails to pull out before you get concerned? We're up to two, not counting last year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Goes well...

Pete said:
I suppose that Brunell Skins Jersey I bought you for Christmas wasn't a good idea. :sad:

...with My Neon Deon, Bruce Smith and Jeff Goerge ones...right at the bottom of the kitty box.


Nothing to see here
I've been thru all my reasons why Brunell is the starter instead of Ramsay, I won't go into them again.

Sports writers and talking heads are paid to make mountains out of mole hills and Brunell is playing better this year. Be it that he is healthier, or more comfortable in Gibbs' offense, I don't know or care.

We could be 5-0, 4-1, 2-3, 1-4, 0-5, all the games have been close. Losing 2 close games at Denver and Kansas City, both historically tough at home, is not an embarrassment. There was one ugly turnover by Brunell, but every QB in the league has them at times.

Granted, Brunell is probably playing the best he can at this point in his career and I would be much happier with him coming off the bench. There has to be reasons why Brunell is out there instead of Ramsay, I've said what I thought they were, but its up to Gibbs and he's gone with Brunell. I'll trust his judgement.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'll trust his judgement

...I wish I could be more like you and Oz and the rest.

It would have made more sense, to me, to play Cambell than Brunnel simply based on Marks performance.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...I wish I could be more like you and Oz and the rest.

It would have made more sense, to me, to play Cambell than Brunnel simply based on Marks performance.

Damn you, Larry Gude..:lol: I have sat here waiting for your reply for 30 minutes and this is all you could come up with?? :killingme

Frankly, I had your passion for the skins up until the last few years. Maybe its age or the salary cap era that has made me look with less interest lately but more power to ya, I do enjoy your insight.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What else could I add to your post?

otter said:
Damn you, Larry Gude..:lol: I have sat here waiting for your reply for 30 minutes and this is all you could come up with?? :killingme

Frankly, I had your passion for the skins up until the last few years. Maybe its age or the salary cap era that has made me look with less interest lately but more power to ya, I do enjoy your insight.

You and I both know we'd be better off with Ramsey starting. We both know that any advantage as to second year consistency, new personel etc, would also acrue to Pat, not just Mark. We both know Gibbs is VERY interested in justifying his $43 million bet. We both know it doesn't make a hill of beans because Joe has made his pick and the way he went about it was unfair, bad for the team and not something you can undo. He's crippled Ramsey.

I mean, let's assume the obvious; over the next 3-5 weeks Brunnel get's hurt to where he's hobbling some. He's gonna fight it out like he did last year, the 'duck' ball will return because he MUST have his legs to throw hard and Joe will hobble us through enough bad games until we're right back where we were last year.

Then what? You throw Ramsey in under the same cirumstances he OUT PERFORMED Mark under last year but still behind the 8 ball, only now Pat KNOWS the coach thinks little of him and will be looking for the first excuse to yank him for the kid.

If we were 3-2 with two lucky wins and Ramsey had played as Mark has, all the Brunnel fans would be yelling for Mark. As it is, they're all with Boomer; My, how Mark Brunnel has changed!


I hope Mark has a blow up game, throws for 300 plus, 3/4 TD's, ZERO turnovers. It will really cement the team chemistry and give us something to hang onto heading into this tough stretch coming up. He SHOULD light up the 49'ers and I'm just saying he's gotta.

He plays mediocre and, worst case, we lose, what then?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And I say that...

He plays mediocre and, worst case, we lose, what then?

...because that's where we're at: Are wgoing up? Or down?

Were the close wins the first steps to really coming together and finding the formula? Or, were they the ugly signs of a good team underperforming because coach isn't playing the best guy?

Brunnel has gotta put points on the board whether Boomer wants to admit it or not.


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
We both know Gibbs is VERY interested in justifying his $43 million bet.


Then what? You throw Ramsey in under the same cirumstances he OUT PERFORMED Mark under last year but still behind the 8 ball, only now Pat KNOWS the coach thinks little of him and will be looking for the first excuse to yank him for the kid.

I totally believe that Gibbs is a bigger man than to play someone just to justify their contract. Give me a Brunell, Favre, Brad Johnson over Ramsey. There's a reason Ramsey got a 4 or 5 year $6 million dollar contract as a first rounder.

My "then what" would be to ship all the other Spurrier skill-position losers on offense right out the door behind Ramsey at the end of the season.

Ramsey isn't the future here.

Two words for him - take your pick:
Coldwell Banker
Long & Foster
Century 21

I'm now curious about Ramsey vs Brunell Stats from their last 5 games... Hmm...


Football addict
All I know is that I'm proud of my Skins, they're fighting and not eating dirt like in the past years. If Brunnell is getting it done then I say keep him in. He's keeping the games close and not total blow-outs. If anything a Redskin fan merely wants a win over Dallas, we've done that! However, I do hope the team holds onto the ball this week.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Yeah, Brunnell sucks :sarcasm:. Did you see that pass to Moss? Touchdown on an opening drive. Yeah, bring in Ramsey. :killingme


Ken King said:
Yeah, Brunnell sucks :sarcasm:. Did you see that pass to Moss? Touchdown on an opening drive. Yeah, bring in Ramsey. :killingme

Damn him, he's only 12 of 16 for 237 yds at the half.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hey Larry - Is this thing on?

Bench the SOB

WTF is Gibbs thinking? Brunnell is 12/16 237 yards and 3 TDs. Get him out of there before they look like a team. :killingme

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Damn him, he's only 12 of 16 for 237 yds at the half.
Already more points then they have seen since 2001.

We want Ramsey!
We Want Ramsey!


Well-Known Member
There are holes in San Frans line that wouldn't be there in a good defense......whoa! Taylor just did some superior defense.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Mark played a PERFECT....

...first half.

I hope Mark has a blow up game, throws for 300 plus, 3/4 TD's, ZERO turnovers. It will really cement the team chemistry and give us something to hang onto heading into this tough stretch coming up. He SHOULD light up the 49'ers and I'm just saying he's gotta.

WHO said that???

This fabulous and just what we needed!!!