The "Castle Doctrine" in Maryland


New Member
What is it? The CD is an attempt to frame legislation that will protect home-owners (and most probably law-abiding home renters) from legal liability stemming from their use of firearms to protect themselves and their property from criminals as crimes are commited. We need your support. My intent is to help make that easier.

Obviously, I'm not a lawyer. But simply put, the Castle Doctrine's intent is to protect property owners from criminals performing illegal acts against law-abiding private citizens. I've attached my crudely-crafted, wording below as an example. You're welcome to copy/use/fwd/cut-paste, etc.

Maryland: “Castle Doctrine” Legislation to be Heard on Tuesday, March 9
Please Contact Members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee!

On Tuesday, March 9, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hear two bills seeking to codify the “Castle Doctrine” principle into Maryland state law.

Senate Bill 386, sponsored by State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34), would provide civil immunity to a person who uses force, including deadly force, against someone who enters their dwelling or business with the intent to commit first, second or third degree burglary or a crime of violence.

Senate Bill 411, sponsored by State Senator Thomas Middleton (D-28), would provide immunity from damages when force, including deadly force, is reasonable under the circumstances to repel an attack.

Over the years the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, State Senator Brian Frosh (D-16) has consistently put these bills in his pocket, never to be brought up for a vote.

It is time for Senator Frosh to bring these bills up for a vote! Please contact the members of the Committee and respectfully urge them to support your right to self-defense and to bring these bills up for a vote.

Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee:

State Senator Brian E. Frosh (D-16), Chair
(410) 841-3124, (301) 858-3124, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3124 (toll free)

State Senator Lisa A. Gladden (D-41), Vice Chair
(410) 841-3697, (301) 858-3697, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3697 (toll free)

State Senator Alexander X. Mooney (R-3)
(410) 841-3575, (301) 858-3575, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3575 (toll free)

State Senator Larry E. Haines (R-5)
(410) 841-3683, (301) 858-3683, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3683 (toll free)

State Senator Norman R. Stone, Jr. (D-6)
(410) 841-3587, (301) 858-3587, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3587 (toll free)

State Senator Jennie M. Forehand (D-17)
(410) 841-3134, (301) 858-3134, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3134 (toll free)

State Senator Jamie Raskin (D-20)
(410) 841-3634, (301) 858-3634, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3634 (toll free)

State Senator C. Anthony Muse (D-26)
(410) 841-3092, (301) 858-3092, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3092 (toll free)

State Senator Bryan W. Simonaire (R-31)
(410) 841-3658, (301) 858-3658, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3658 (toll free)

State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34)
(410) 841-3158, (301) 858-3158, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3158 (toll free)

State Senator James Brochin (D-42)
(410) 841-3648, (301) 858-3648, 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3648 (toll free)

To: The Honorable Members of the Maryland State Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee,

I respectfully, yet strongly urge you all to support passage of Senate Bill 386 (sponsored by State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34) and Senate Bill 411 (sponsored by State Senator Thomas Middleton (D-28) on Tuesday, March 9, 2010; which seeks to codify the “Castle Doctrine” principle into Maryland state law.
Over the years the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, State Senator Brian Frosh (D-16) has consistently put these bills in his pocket, never to be brought up for a vote.
It is time for Senator Frosh to bring these bills up for a vote!
Thank You and


Honorary SMIB
As long as Frosh is there any pro-gun legislation won't see the light of day. He is reflexively and viscerally anti-gun. The person that all MD gun grabbers pattern themeselves on.

He has this year (along with Rosenberg from Baltimore) introduced legislation to implement the IL and NJ Firearms Owner Identification Card system here. He's from the County that routinely charges people who are defending themselves with a crime. That State's Attorney is now the MD Attorney General but the program continues there.


New Member
MD State Senator FROSH

As long as Frosh is there any pro-gun legislation won't see the light of day. He is reflexively and viscerally anti-gun. The person that all MD gun grabbers pattern themeselves on.

He has this year (along with Rosenberg from Baltimore) introduced legislation to implement the IL and NJ Firearms Owner Identification Card system here. He's from the County that routinely charges people who are defending themselves with a crime. That State's Attorney is now the MD Attorney General but the program continues there.

:coffee: I'm willing to go after Frosh (how fitting...), but have limited financial resources since my civil service retirement. So, I'll offer my time & energy. Please advise with strategy, resources and financial sustainment ideas to help kick this Frosh as*hole the hell out.These pussy progressive libs make my head explode! May God Bless you all.


As long as Frosh is there any pro-gun legislation won't see the light of day. He is reflexively and viscerally anti-gun. The person that all MD gun grabbers pattern themeselves on.

He has this year (along with Rosenberg from Baltimore) introduced legislation to implement the IL and NJ Firearms Owner Identification Card system here. He's from the County that routinely charges people who are defending themselves with a crime. That State's Attorney is now the MD Attorney General but the program continues there.
As long as there are people around with this way of thinking we are screwed. Sure, prosecute the folks that are trying to defend themselves in their own home. I don't give a crap if the Bill is passed or not. Someone enters my home uninvited, they will be met with deadly force.


Harley Rider
I actually got a reply today from Senator Nancy Jacobs. Here it is:
Special Issue Update, 2nd Amendment Bills, 03/08/2010

Tomorrow the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hear my Castle Doctrine bill, Senate Bill 386. This bill would provide an affirmative civil immunity for individuals protecting their homes/families and places of business from violent criminals. No one should have to worry about being sued for defending their homes, families or places of business from a violent criminal. Examples such as this doctor being sued for defending his home from burglary are precisely what we are trying to avoid:

MILWAUKEE -- A Janesville man who admitted breaking into a home is suing the homeowner who shot him.Kurt Prochaska, 39, was on probation last fall when he admitted he broke in to a home and was shot by the homeowner, but that's not stopping him from going after cash through the courts...
The Rock County district attorney agreed, long ago ruling the shooting was justified. Still, Prochaska is able to move ahead with the suit.

Then on Thursday, March 10th, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will be hearing a number of other firearm-related bills including SB44, SB167, SB191, SB274, SB563, SB645 and SB842. A number of these bills place law-abiding gun owners in thorny legal cross-hairs (SB167, SB274, SB563, and SB645). As you well know, Maryland already has onerous laws regarding obtaining, transporting and using firearms, we really do not need more laws to this affect.

On bill in particular, Senate Bill 645 drew a lengthy rebuttal editorial in the Washington Times:

"To obtain a gun license, a person must fill out a long application form, attend a comprehensive firearms safety course, pay a nonrefundable fee to the state and wait 30 days for the completion of a criminal background check. If all items are processed properly, the Maryland State Police would drop the license in the mail.

It would become a crime to go to a gun range and rent a firearm for a little target shooting without this license in hand. Out-of-state visitors who might want to keep up their skills while on vacation would be out of luck under the proposal because they would not even be allowed to apply for a state gun license.

The bill would make it a crime on par with murder, kidnapping, rape and extortion for a private party to sell his own gun to someone who has no license. It also would give police the authority to seize the e-mail, cell phone and other records of anyone merely suspected of selling or renting a gun in Maryland without a license. This is an extreme reaction to conduct that is perfectly legal in most states and should be a constitutional right anywhere in the Land of the Free...
It's obvious that Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Frosh are not really interested in stopping criminals from obtaining weapons. Instead, this misguided proposal plainly is designed to harass legitimate gun owners with bureaucracy and paperwork until they simply give up on the idea of exercising their legal rights."

So many of you have written me opposed to SB167, SB191, SB274, SB563, and SB645. As a fellow firearm owner who chooses to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights, I agree and do oppose all of these bills.

If you have not already, I encourage you to write members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee offering your opposition to these bills. You can find our committee member's e-mail addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses by clicking on our name at this Senate Judicial Proceedings link.
I do appreciate so many fellow gun owners writing me in support of Senate Bill 386 (Castle Doctrine) and opposed to the many anti-2nd Amendment bills that are proposed. It is great to know that so many dedicated patriots will advocate for our Constitutionally-enshrined rights.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and appreciate your support!

Sincerely, Nancy Jacobs