The Corruption of Medicine


PREMO Member
Thus forewarned, the reader plunges into a thicket of social-justice maxims: physicians must “confront inequities and dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed racial justice and advance equity within and across all aspects of health systems.” The country needs to pivot “from euphemisms to explicit conversations about power, racism, gender and class oppression, forms of discrimination and exclusion.” (The reader may puzzle over how much more “explicit” current “conversations” about racism can be.) We need to discard “America’s stronghold of false notions of hierarchy of value based on gender, skin color, religion, ability and country of origin, as well as other forms of privilege.”

A key solution to this alleged oppression is identity-based preferences throughout the medical profession. The AMA strategic plan calls for the “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as . . . leadership ranks.” The lack of “just representation,” according to the AMA, is due to deliberate “exclusion,” which will end only when we have “prioritize[d] and integrate[d] the voices and ideas of people and communities experiencing great injustice and historically excluded, exploited, and deprived of needed resources such as people of color, women, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, and those in rural and urban communities alike.”

According to medical and STEM leaders, to be white is to be per se racist; apologies and reparations for that offending trait are now de rigueur. In June 2020, Nature identified itself as one of the culpably “white institutions that is responsible for bias in research and scholarship.” In January 2021, the editor-in-chief of Health Affairs lamented that “our own staff and leadership are overwhelmingly white.” The AMA’s strategic plan blames “white male lawmakers” for America’s systemic racism.

And so medical schools and medical societies are discarding traditional standards of merit in order to alter the demographic characteristics of their profession. That demolition of standards rests on an a priori truth: that there is no academic skills gap between whites and Asians, on the one hand, and blacks and Hispanics, on the other. No proof is needed for this proposition; it is the starting point for any discussion of racial disparities in medical personnel. Therefore, any test or evaluation on which blacks and Hispanics score worse than whites and Asians is biased and should be eliminated.

The U.S. Medical Licensing Exam is a prime offender. At the end of their second year of medical school, students take Step One of the USMLE, which measures knowledge of the body’s anatomical parts, their functioning, and their malfunctioning; topics include biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, pharmacology, and the cardiovascular system. High scores on Step One predict success in a residency; highly sought-after residency programs, such as neurosurgery and radiology, use Step One scores to help select applicants.

Black students are not admitted into competitive residencies at the same rate as whites because their average Step One test scores are a standard deviation below those of whites. Step One has already been modified to try to shrink that gap; it now includes nonscience components such as “communication and interpersonal skills.” But the standard deviation in scores has persisted. In the world of antiracism, that persistence means only one thing: the test is to blame. It is Step One that, in the language of antiracism, “disadvantages” underrepresented minorities, not any lesser degree of medical knowledge.



PREMO Member

Medical school scrubs woke web pages after public exposure

A funny thing happened at the University of Florida College of Medicine recently. The school’s administrators had been happily and busily ensuring that their website was sufficiently woke for the past couple of years. In their efforts to combat “systemic racism,” they followed many other institutions around the country by going too far and giving the impression that they might be actively discriminating against people on the basis of race in hiring and admissions. All of that changed, however, when a group opposed to identity politics in medical education examined their site and published a report detailing all of the “anti-racism” material they found there. Not long after, the pages detailing those policies quickly began to disappear from the web. (Washington Free Beacon)

The University of Florida College of Medicine is scrubbing “anti-racism” pages from its website in the wake of a report detailing the influence of leftwing ideology on the school’s curriculum.
The report from Do No Harm, a group opposed to identity politics in medical education, was released November 22 and highlighted a slew of activist statements by the public medical school, many of them posted to its official website. A week later—after a flurry of unflattering media coverage—the College of Medicine had taken down at least three of those posts, including a statement on the admissions office homepage declaring that “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”
That statement also condemned “systemic oppression” and touted the admissions office’s commitment to “equity in healthcare.”

One of the magically disappearing web pages contained what was described as a list of “resources” for combatting systemic racism. The page urged “white allies” to “assume racism is everywhere, every day.” That page is now gone, though it and the others can still be located through the wayback machine.
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My name is "your doctor," you are sick, prepare to die

The paper is scary as hell. Not quite Canadian medical murder scary, but very very scary nonetheless.

Why so frightening? Well, our NIH is promoting the idea that it is time to dump our current medical education system based upon science-based Western medicine in order to replace it with a more diverse and inclusive one. Our current system is racist, sexist, homophobic, and every other super-bad thing that the woke are desperate to destroy.

Health professions education (HPE) is built on a structural foundation of modernity based on Eurocentric epistemologies. This foundation privileges certain forms of evidence and ways of knowing and is implicated in how dominant models of HPE curricula and healthcare practice position concepts of knowledge, equity, and social justice. This invited perspectives paper frames this contemporary HPE as the “Master’s House”, utilizing a term referenced from the writings of Audre Lorde. It examines the theoretical underpinnings of the “Master’s House” through the frame of Quijano’s concept of the Colonial Matrix of Power (employing examples of coloniality, race, and sex/gender). It concludes by exploring possibilities for how these Eurocentric structures may be dismantled, with reflection and discussion on the implications and opportunities of this work in praxis.

Sidenote: run away from any article that uses the word “praxis.” It is Marxist. For some reason it is one of their favorite words.

You can see the thrust: current medicine is based upon an epistemology of slavery (“Master’s House”). The idea being that using science to investigate biology and apply lessons learned is a European concept that is designed to keep the melanin-enriched in their place.

Matrix of Power

Colonial Matrix of Power

Medicine is just one of many mechanisms intended to oppress people, as literally everything is in the eyes of the woke. By focusing on science over…I’m not sure what…The Master is keeping people down. Written during the George Floyd protests, this article is very much in the tradition of the public health establishment’s endorsement of the “George Floyd protest” exception to COVID rules. Rioting, for the right reasons, is a public health necessity.

These authors believe that medical reality is determined by what is in the mind, not based upon any physical reality. You would think that an event would be a “superspreader” or not based upon some scientific criteria, but in fact it is politically determined. That is not hyperbole, that is the essence of this paper.

At the time of writing, statues are falling. There are protests on the streets. Calls for defunding resound as TikTok videos, Twitter unrolls, and gatherings proliferate on Facebook. There are tents occupying lands outside government buildings. There are declarations of racism in parliament buildings. There are boil water advisories. There are COVID-19 outbreaks in the dense housing camps offered to migrant laborers. There are names of sports franchises being reconsidered. There are bodies being subjected to violence. There are wellness checks that end in death. There are confrontations in parking lots. There are heated discussions on social media. There are some people telling other people to “go back to where you came from”. There are the “you’re wrongs”, “you’ve gone too far” and “angry mobs”. There are people on their knees. There are body cameras. There are commitments and statements and promises being made. There are temporary profile pictures. There are resignations, partings of ways, and new starts. There are interviews and conversations. There are “I told you so’s” and “what took you so longs” and “we’ve been saying this for years”. There are questions being asked and ideas being challenged. There are people just trying to breathe.


PREMO Member
As I have covered elsewhere for PJ Media, the corporate state media has been busy diligently promoting this drug — which actually isn’t new and has been in use for years as an anti-diabetic therapeutic — as a breakthrough, “miracle” weight loss solution alternative to passé things like eating right or exercising. The promise of losing weight relatively quickly without having to sacrifice anything, as the pharmaceutical industry’s marketers know so well, is too enticing to pass up for the Western “give me a solution right now” microwave, drive-through culture.

As I have also reported via PJ Media, the purveyors of semaglutide have quietly deployed paid Public Health™ “experts” to sing the praises of the drug across corporate state media without disclosing their conflicts of interest. Victoria Taft, similarly, reported recently that the American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending semaglutide to obese children.

In other words, the government and private sector stars all aligned to crown semaglutide the next big invention of the industry, among the likes of antibiotics or insulin.

In a recently released study, up to 50% of patients prescribed semaglutide experienced gastrointestinal symptoms. Via Expert Opinion on Drug Safety:

[In patients taking semaglutide] it is possible to observe a high prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders (N = 3502, 53.2%). The most severe reported cases were primarily gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic, and nutritional disorders, eye disorders, renal and urinary disorders and cardiac disorders, with an evident higher prevalence of adverse gastrointestinal events both in oral and injectable dosage form (N = 133, 50.0% vs N = 588, 47.2%, respectively).

The class of drugs to which semaglutide belongs — glucagon-like peptide 1 analogs — have been often implicated in kidney damage.



PREMO Member
“Instead, Defendants assumed that Kayla, a twelve-year-old emotionally troubled girl, knew best what she needed to improve her mental health and figuratively handed her the prescription pad. There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes.”

Doreen Samelson, a psychologist not named as a defendant, by contrast, told Jane and her parents that she couldn’t receive puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones due to factors such as her age.


“Nobody—none of my doctors—tried anything to make me comfortable in my body, or meaningfully pushed back or asked questions; they only affirmed,” Jane told The Epoch Times.

Jane said she didn’t feel better after her surgery. She suffered nerve damage and other issues. She says she’s happier since she detransitioned.

“The law says children aren’t mature enough to make serious decisions that could have long lasting consequences like getting a tattoo, driving with friends, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or even voting,” Jane said in a statement. “So why is it acceptable for 13-year-olds to decide to mutilate their body?”


“Kaiser continues to engage in the quackery of subjecting innocent children to irreversible sex mimicry treatment, including drugs and surgery, without informed consent,” Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty, which is also representing Jane, said in a statement.



PREMO Member

Nation’s Biggest Pediatrics Hospital Pushes Leftism, Discredited COVID Theories On Texas Doctors, Investigation Reveals

In one August 2021 training session at Texas Children’s Hospital, Dr. Peter Hotez, a dean at Baylor College of Medicine, which is affiliated with the hospital, railed against “far-Right extremism and PACs which have become mainstream across the GOP.” He called for “people from Homeland Security, the Justice Department, Commerce Department, State Department” to take action against those who questioned the then-conventional wisdom about COVID, likening the supposed threat they pose to terrorism and “nuclear proliferation.”

“As academics, this is not stuff we’re comfortable talking about or doing, but the health sector has gone about as far as it can with amplifying the message,” said Hotez, who oddly refers to himself as “the OG Villain.” “Now we need to bring in some heavyweights.”

Earlier this year, Hotez railed against anyone suggesting COVID came from a Chinese lab, calling such claims “fruitless scientific witch hunts, which will serve to distract the scientific community.” He wrote an editorial saying, “Republican members on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform also made a series of misleading or downright outlandish claims. Among them: that they had evidence that COVID-19 likely originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.”

The lab-leak theory, suspected early on by many but denied by the Left, has increasingly gained traction, most recently from a Department of Energy report and, earlier this week, a bombshell report charging that the first people infected with COVID were Chinese scientists working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

To the doctors in training, Hotez also railed against people who questioned the efficacy of masks to prevent COVID infection, another stance that has since gained credence.

“It’s defiance, defiance against masks and social distancing and now vaccines,” Hotez said in one training session. “We put a lot of infrastructure in place to combat things like global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, cyberattacks, but this is a far greater killer is anti-science and I’ve been trying to make that case both to the Biden administration and the United Nations.”

In another session, doctors were lectured about “micro-aggressions.” When some complained about the material —which took the place of “rounds” that ordinarily would educate doctors about medical issues — hospital officials said their complaints were themselves “micro-aggressions” and illustrated “fragility.”

“I think defensiveness is the most common reaction,” a trainer said in a subsequent video. “We did do a health equity round on micro-aggressions, and I think that generated the most resistance and additional micro-aggressions.”

In yet another training, young doctors were forced to listen to extended audio of a crying young girl being purportedly separated from her family due to former President Donald Trump’s border policy, apparently as an attempt to shape doctors’ political views on immigration policy.

“We cannot allow [migrant children] to be forgotten,” the speaker said. “I’m a researcher and we need to respect this essential role, however, we must also respect our role as advocates and leaders of collective action. Our hope is we can reshape and restructure the system in ways that are far more effective, humane, and just.”

Dr. Lindy McGee taught young doctors about people who “couch their language in terms of ‘parents rights’ and ‘informed consent,’” saying “their overarching goal is always to stoke fear, disrupt systems, spread misinformation, and elevate the individual over the public good.”

The hospital’s draconian campaign against speech also included incidents such as CNN correctly reporting that Italy was about to institute a lockdown, which caused people to leave.

“Not necessarily misinformation, but it took the effectiveness out of the public health response,” a speaker said. Like masks, lockdowns were later shown to be largely ineffective and in fact had disastrous unintended consequences.

Katelyn Jetelina, an assistant professor of epidemiology, was asked in a training session if there has been enough “empathy and listening” and it was time for “more of a stick approach.”

“We’re done playing this game. We are hurting people, and if we start putting down the stick and make that very apparent, I think people will take this seriously,” she said, suggesting a need for “tough decisions if a family member isn’t going to be vaccinated,” such as refusing to see them.

“If we compare ourselves to other countries that responded very well to this pandemic, Vietnam, what they did is they marketed as ‘us against an enemy,’ and the enemy was COVID. And so you get everyone rallying against an enemy.”

The hospital brought in a lobbyist, Jason Sato, who seemed to suggest that doctors should be able to refuse to care for unvaccinated patients.

“There was a bill that said you would have to take any unvaccinated patient that shows up at your door if you wanted to accept Medicaid,” he said. “It’s an existential threat.”


PREMO Member

Welcome to the World of Postmodern Medicine

Dr. Erica Li is a pediatrician practicing in the state of Washington, as well as teaching medical students from three medical schools and interns from four residency programs.

Li recently published a chilling piece in Substack about the current state of medicine in this country, which she referred to as being “postmodern.”

Postmodern medicine seems to have a particular foothold in the West, especially in the United States, where it has become institutionalized. It is relatively new but is embedded in multiple American medical societies and medical schools. While it leverages the same technologies as Modern medicine, thereby superficially resembling it, it fundamentally seeks to dismantle Modern medicine’s underlying philosophy.

While Postmodern medicine is being propagated across American medical schools through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion bureaucracies, nothing exemplifies Postmodernity more than the gender ideology that drives American “gender-affirming” model of care.
I wish to strongly advocate for Modern medicine and urge readers to resist the ideological shift towards the Postmodernizing or “queering” of my profession. It is crucial to clarify that I am a steadfast supporter of LGBT civil rights, as I support civil rights for all Americans, and I strongly advocate for high-quality Modern medical care for sexual minorities.
However, I reject the overmedicalization of children propagated by many gender activists. At its core, Postmodern medicine is as far removed from Modern medicine as witch-burning. It poses serious risks to patient welfare and should be vehemently resisted.

While Li focuses on the “queering of medicine,” Politico just published a glowing piece on changes that hospitals are making in the name of the pseudoscience of “climate change.” The piece notes that the Biden team is doing its own part to push hospitals to overhaul their practices; given the administration’s numerous failures, its attempt to interfere with decisions being made at hospitals that impact patient care is disturbing, indeed.

Finally, postmodern medicine focuses on the bottom line and ‘statistics’ showing how awesome it is. However, it appears patients are being pushed into hospice early at HCA Healthcare Facilities to improve the numbers. HCA operates 182 hospitals in the U.S. and the U.K. and is the nation’s largest hospital chain.

Now, new criticisms are arising related to HCA’s palliative and end-of-life care for patients, according to some physicians and nurses who have worked in its facilities. They say HCA officials press staff to persuade families of ailing patients to initiate such care, as Salas says she experienced with her daughter.
Although this can harm patients by withdrawing lifesaving treatments, the push can benefit HCA two ways, the doctors and nurses said, and an internal hospital document confirms. It reduces in-hospital mortality rates, a closely watched quality measure, and can free up a hospital bed more quickly for HCA, potentially generating more insurance reimbursements from a new patient.

I have had three significant hospital stays in my life and have been grateful for the benefits of modern medicine. Unfortunately, as I enter into the next phase, I dread what may await me.


Well-Known Member
Thus forewarned, the reader plunges into a thicket of social-justice maxims: physicians must “confront inequities and dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed racial justice and advance equity within and across all aspects of health systems.” The country needs to pivot “from euphemisms to explicit conversations about power, racism, gender and class oppression, forms of discrimination and exclusion.” (The reader may puzzle over how much more “explicit” current “conversations” about racism can be.) We need to discard “America’s stronghold of false notions of hierarchy of value based on gender, skin color, religion, ability and country of origin, as well as other forms of privilege.”

A key solution to this alleged oppression is identity-based preferences throughout the medical profession. The AMA strategic plan calls for the “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as . . . leadership ranks.” The lack of “just representation,” according to the AMA, is due to deliberate “exclusion,” which will end only when we have “prioritize[d] and integrate[d] the voices and ideas of people and communities experiencing great injustice and historically excluded, exploited, and deprived of needed resources such as people of color, women, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, and those in rural and urban communities alike.”

According to medical and STEM leaders, to be white is to be per se racist; apologies and reparations for that offending trait are now de rigueur. In June 2020, Nature identified itself as one of the culpably “white institutions that is responsible for bias in research and scholarship.” In January 2021, the editor-in-chief of Health Affairs lamented that “our own staff and leadership are overwhelmingly white.” The AMA’s strategic plan blames “white male lawmakers” for America’s systemic racism.

And so medical schools and medical societies are discarding traditional standards of merit in order to alter the demographic characteristics of their profession. That demolition of standards rests on an a priori truth: that there is no academic skills gap between whites and Asians, on the one hand, and blacks and Hispanics, on the other. No proof is needed for this proposition; it is the starting point for any discussion of racial disparities in medical personnel. Therefore, any test or evaluation on which blacks and Hispanics score worse than whites and Asians is biased and should be eliminated.

The U.S. Medical Licensing Exam is a prime offender. At the end of their second year of medical school, students take Step One of the USMLE, which measures knowledge of the body’s anatomical parts, their functioning, and their malfunctioning; topics include biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, pharmacology, and the cardiovascular system. High scores on Step One predict success in a residency; highly sought-after residency programs, such as neurosurgery and radiology, use Step One scores to help select applicants.

Black students are not admitted into competitive residencies at the same rate as whites because their average Step One test scores are a standard deviation below those of whites. Step One has already been modified to try to shrink that gap; it now includes nonscience components such as “communication and interpersonal skills.” But the standard deviation in scores has persisted. In the world of antiracism, that persistence means only one thing: the test is to blame. It is Step One that, in the language of antiracism, “disadvantages” underrepresented minorities, not any lesser degree of medical knowledge.

This kind of thing certainly doesn't dispel that old stereotype that there is a hierarchy of intelligence based on race.

Furthermore, if I, who am whiter than Lizzie Warren, am inherently racist, that means I was born that way; even an #1 male can make that connection. That means it's not my fault that I do and say racist things. Why should I have to pay reparations for the way nature made me? Especially since something like 250,000 mostly white men died in combat* to free the slaves?

So, when do we get our Racist Pride month?

*The figure 250,000 was combined Union and Confederate deaths due to direct combat. The total number may be as high as 850,000, due to other factors, such as disease (by far the most common cause of death), accidents, drowning, heat stroke, suicide, murder, execution. It also does not take into account the maimed and disfigured, nor does it account for the socio-economic toll that the conflict took on our nation.


PREMO Member

Netherlands doctors are euthanizing people with autism, intellectual disabilities: study

Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

Five people younger than 30 who were killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end their lives, the UK study found.

With those cases, experts have questioned whether the law allowing doctors to kill suicidal patients via lethal injections has strayed too far from its initial intentions when passed in 2002.

Kasper Raus, an ethicist and public health professor at Belgium’s Ghent University, said the types of patients seeking out physician-assisted suicide have changed greatly over the past two decades in both the Netherlands and Belgium, where it is also legal.

When the Netherlands became the first country to legalize human euthanasia, the debate focused on people with cancer — not those with autism, Raus said.

Patients must meet strict requirements including suffering from an incurable illness that causes “unbearable” physical or mental anguish to be eligible for euthanasia — but doctors ultimately decide who qualifies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate doctors in general. I've interacted with a couple of them over the years that seemed to know what they were doing, but most of them are serious sociopaths only interested in parting people with their money.

Honestly I loathe most "experts" because the vast majority of the time they are nothing of the sort. These global warming (or cooling or whatever the latest fad is) retards - that's a scam, we all know it's a scam, and the junk scientists who push it don't know what the hell they're talking about.
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Well-Known Member
I hate doctors in general. I've interacted with a couple of them over the years that seemed to know what they were doing, but most of them are serious sociopaths only interested in parting people with their money.

Honestly I loathe most "experts" because the vast majority of the time they are nothing of the sort. These global warming (or cooling or whatever the latest fad is) retards - that's a scam, we all know it's a scam, and the junk scientists who push it don't know what the hell they're talking about.
This may have to do with personal experience, but by and large - I TRUST most doctors. They have their failings, but I've never thought of them as being con artists, because of at least one glaring situation I've found common to most of them -

Most of them are completely separated from the costs of things. They usually know zero about insurance coverage - they typically rely on patient feedback to learn these things - they don't even know the charge for an office visit - and often prescribe a course of actions because they believe they are looking out for their patients, even if the likelihood of danger is small.

Because they TEND to be financially secure - they often just don't get that a few THOUSAND in costs are prohibitive - when I was in danger of losing my SIGHT, my ophthalmologist asked quizzically - when I balked at the costs - "don't you have savings? Stocks? Relatives who can help?".
I looked at him in disbelief. This is the kind of thing only a very rich person can fail to grasp.

They don't GET that while it may cost a lot NOW - they're not in the business of realizing, if this is a lifetime problem, I'm going to be shelling out tons of money for the rest of my life. THAT is certainly - prohibitive.

(As it turned out - twenty years later - my eyes healed on their own).

Surgeons I have often found - just about define arrogance. They won't give you "what are the chances my Dad will survive?". They don't give "chances". NURSES might - and it's discouraged. They HATE to hear what you learned on the Internet on something they have specialized in for twenty years.

Doctors - good doctors - give it to you straight. Sometimes they're wrong, but they don't sugarcoat things. I prefer those doctors.

My son's doctor often prescribes tests I think are unnecessary - but if I SAY so, he will relent, even though he's been examining him once a month for 12 years.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

Netherlands doctors are euthanizing people with autism, intellectual disabilities: study

Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

Five people younger than 30 who were killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end their lives, the UK study found.

With those cases, experts have questioned whether the law allowing doctors to kill suicidal patients via lethal injections has strayed too far from its initial intentions when passed in 2002.

Kasper Raus, an ethicist and public health professor at Belgium’s Ghent University, said the types of patients seeking out physician-assisted suicide have changed greatly over the past two decades in both the Netherlands and Belgium, where it is also legal.

When the Netherlands became the first country to legalize human euthanasia, the debate focused on people with cancer — not those with autism, Raus said.

Patients must meet strict requirements including suffering from an incurable illness that causes “unbearable” physical or mental anguish to be eligible for euthanasia — but doctors ultimately decide who qualifies.
I'm all for allowing people to take themselves out of the gene pool for any, or no reason. It really seems to me to be the ultimate personal decision.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for allowing people to take themselves out of the gene pool for any, or no reason. It really seems to me to be the ultimate personal decision.
I would not include someone who is autistic or who has an intellectual disability. You can persuade them that up is down, black is white and hot is cold.

It would be like securing a wish to commit suicide from a drunk.


PREMO Member

ALITO and THOMAS: Gov’t resorting “to racial or ethnic classifications to ration medical treatment … would be a very strong case for prompt review”

You may recall that I was the named plaintiff in a lawsuit filed in January 2022 in the Nothern District of New York against the NY State Health Commissioner over state health guidelines that prioritized non-whites for receipt of oral Covid therapeutics, which at the time were in short supply:

9. New York’s policy creates a racial hierarchy in the distribution of life-saving COVID-19 medication. Non-white and Hispanic/Latino individuals who test positive for COVID-19 automatically qualify for oral antiviral treatments, while an identically situated non-Hispanic/Latino white individual is ineligible unless he demonstrates a “medical condition” or “risk factor” that increases his risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
* * *

21. The Department’s policy fails any level of constitutional scrutiny. Even if the Department has an interest in ensuring that only the most at-risk patients will receive scarce antiviral treatments, the policy’s racial preferences are not closely or narrowly tailored to achieving that interest. The Department could have effectively pursued the same goals through the obvious race-neutral alternative of requiring all patients to have enumerated medical conditions or risk factors in order to receive antiviral treatments.

There was another case filed in the Eastern District of New York asserting similar claims (the “Roberts Case”).

Both cases were dismissed for lack of standing by separate judges, which rulings were affirmed by the Second Circuit. That standing decision required a plaintiff to contract Covid, be medically eligible, and be in a position to seek the medicine, before suit. Legally and substantively it’s an idiotic standard because the medication was only effective if taken within five days of symptoms. So the courts set up a standing requirement that almost no one could meet as a practical matter because of the tight time frame to seek judicial relief. The courts gave health officials almost unbridled authority to engage in racist conduct as to emergency medical treatments.

As medicine falls deeper under the sway of Critical Race Theory, this portends a bleak future. Indeed, almost the entire medical establishment from the American Medical Association on down backed the state.

We decided not so seek Supreme Court review, because it was viewed as nearly impossible to convince SCOTUS to take a case where the Covid health crisis had passed and the medications no longer were in short supply. The case was not technically moot, because it was capable of repetition (indeed, the state never withdrew the guidelines). Nonetheless, SCOTUS is so limited in which cases it takes, a stale dispute seemed unlikely to be accepted.


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Undeniable Severe Injuries After HPV Vaccination

In Part 2, we present documented evidence of non-fatal but severe injuries in children who were healthy and lost their ability to live normally after receiving the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine—believed to be one of the most effective vaccines developed to date.

Gardasil was launched in the United States, Germany, and Denmark in 2006 and in Australia in 2007.

The following cases were documented by doctors, medical papers, and filmmakers. Their diligent work allows us to be able to put them together and systematically analyze the mechanisms of injury associated with the HPV vaccines.


PREMO Member

Nation’s Biggest Pediatrics Hospital Pushes Leftism, Discredited COVID Theories On Texas Doctors, Investigation Reveals

In one August 2021 training session at Texas Children’s Hospital, Dr. Peter Hotez, a dean at Baylor College of Medicine, which is affiliated with the hospital, railed against “far-Right extremism and PACs which have become mainstream across the GOP.” He called for “people from Homeland Security, the Justice Department, Commerce Department, State Department” to take action against those who questioned the then-conventional wisdom about COVID, likening the supposed threat they pose to terrorism and “nuclear proliferation.”

“As academics, this is not stuff we’re comfortable talking about or doing, but the health sector has gone about as far as it can with amplifying the message,” said Hotez, who oddly refers to himself as “the OG Villain.” “Now we need to bring in some heavyweights.”

💉 Oh man, this is rich. Public Health could not possibly get more tone-deaf. On Friday, the Infection Disease Society of America awarded bowtied-wonder Peter Hotez its Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership award.

Nobody deserves the Antony Fauci Award more than Peter Hotez does, thanks to his tireless work selling defective pharmaceutical products. It’s even better than the Darwin Award.

You really can’t make this stuff up. The comments to the IDSF’s tweet were off the chain.

Next month, the IDSF intends to award Anthony Fauci the ‘Peter Hotez Courage in Coiffure Award.’ In December, Anthony Weiner will receive the ‘Elliot Spitzer Principled Leadership Award,’ and then Joe Biden gets the ‘Adolph Hitler Peace Prize.’

I can’t wait.

Last edited:


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Hospice patients are being quietly killed as Medicare incentivizes ‘stealth euthanasia’

An investigation cited by Kofman’s article found that half of hospice patients in a random sample were ineligible for some or all of the care they received, a problem consistent with the testimony of hospice whistleblower Marsha Farmer. She told Kofman how her supervisor set “ungodly” quotas for hospice enrollment, and then threatened to fire employees if they didn’t meet those quotas.

Such hospice patients were “ineligible” because they weren’t near death, as Farmer testified from her own experience. This begs the question: If such patients who are not near death are being brought in for Medicare funds, and these funds must be repaid if patient stays run too long, how do these profit-driven hospices keep their cash flow going?

“One tactic was to ‘dump,’ or discharge, patients with overly long stays,” Kofman reported. But some hospices used more sinister methods.

One hospice group in Frisco, Texas was caught by the FBI trying to avoid repayment to Medicare by killing its hospice patients. The hospice owner reportedly instructed staff to overdose patients who were living “too long.” One of his disclosed texts to a nurse read, “He better not make it tomorrow. Or I will blame u.”

Even when patients aren’t “actively” killed, ineligible ones can easily be led to their death, because one of the conditions of hospice is forgoing curative care — care that non-dying patients need to treat illness.


PREMO Member

Dr. Mark Trozzi: COVID insanity a ‘big psy-op’ against doctors who succumbed to fear, greed

“CBC and CNN and all these propagandists were telling people that the hospitals were full of people, sick with COVID, dying with COVID,” said Trozzi. “Well, I was in the hospitals, and they were empty. In fact, I had never I had such a quiet time in my career.”

Unfortunately for Trozzi, this ‘quiet time’ was the calm before the cultural storm that would overtake his profession.

As he began to study COVID-19’s appearance and its implications, relentless COVID-19 emergency messaging from governments and their agencies rattled the entire medical industry. Hospitals, doctors, and medical schools were psychologically cornered and cowed into top-down compliance.

“There was a big psyop on the doctors…There was this state of panic, even though there was nothing going on,” Trozzi recalled. “We were told that any moment now the doors are going to break in, and we were going to be flooded with people.”

He continued: “This was presented from the get-go as totally novel, like nothing you’ve ever seen. Forget everything you think you know about treating pneumonia and viral illnesses… Fairly quickly, it also became apparent that questioning things was not going to be tolerated—that’s for sure. That became very evident.”

Many of Trozzi’s colleagues were spellbound by the government’s COVID-19 fear campaign. However, he notes that others discovered that following the establishment’s mandates for COVID-19 treatment—such as only conducting PCR tests or nasal swabs—paid as much as 20% more than regular work at their normal practice.