The Dark Side could be making a move


Dancing Up A Storm
Win One for the Flipper
Washington Post, by Marjorie Williams

Original Article


Posted By:mizmac, 3/6/2004 11:24:07 PM

"I've been trying, really I have. As a charter member of the ABB Society -- Anybody But Bush -- I've tried not to fret over the alarmingly tautological nature of John Kerry's victory. He was inevitable because voters picked him to win because he had won over earlier voters and therefore must be a winner."

Posted by: Allegra, 3/6/2004 11:40:43 PM

"SHE doesn't want Kerry and she knows it. The rest of them don't want Kerry and THEY know it. They all want HILLARY. And Hillary knows it.

Just wait. If you think the press is in autopilot-hallelujah mode now, wait until Kerry has to back out of the race, for whatever reason, and they have 'no choice' but to get out the big wheelbarrow and haul in Hillary. The press will be beside themselves.

But I can't help's all gonna (be)come a stinker for them...ABB plays directly into the 'Who do you think OBL wants to see win the election: ABB' line. These are stupid, not serious people...and their hate will destroy them in the end...but getting there could be messy."

Is something brewing down in the bowels of the DU?