The Deficit Bogeyman and Tax Cuts


Enjoying life!
I've read two news articles today that talk ominously about the deficit and both candidates' plans for spending over the next four years. Both were on MSNBC but there is no real need to link them. They gave the usual spin expected for the candidates.

What struck me about both articles is the overuse of statements like "[some cut] will cost the government 1 trillion dollars". They say this like it is a bad thing, as if a tax or programmatic cut is a personal affront to the government. Dems target Bush for promoting discretionary spending limits, knock him for cutting taxes, then charge he is increasing the deficit. Excuse me, but when did any money automatically become the government's anyway, as if the government were some individual (i.e. King) that we all tithe to?

I understand the OMB, GAO, taxes, spending on programs, etc., so don't yammer at me about the budgetary process, "tax-and-spend", etc. I'm talking about the fundamental principal that what we earn should remain ours except for that which is needed to protect the nation as defined in the Constitution.

When a candidate proposes cutting programs to lower the deficit, or cut taxes to put more money in workers' pockets, it's always portrayed as "costing" the government. Meanwhile, the citizens of the government must live within their reasonable means or go bankrupt.

Seems to me we let the servant act the master for too long now. And it bugs me that people don't get this concept on the left side of the fence. JMTC...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Most people in the United States have never read the U.S. Constitution. They don't really study or read the history of the founding of this country. They have no idea why the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution. Because of these learning deficits, they also have no idea how out of control the Federal government is. Eighty to ninety-five percent of the money the Feds spend is illegally spend because there is no Constitutional authority for the program. People never mention what should be one of the most powerful amendments to the Constitution.

Amendment X (1791)
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

The Feds cannot legally expand government beyond the bounds set by the Constitution. All the entitlement programs are not Constitutional including Welfare and Social Security. The Air Force does not have Constitutional authority, that is the reason it was originally formed under the Army, and neither does N.A.S.A. Name an agency or program, very few are allowed under the Constitution.

Most people are worse than sheep. They are uninformed sheep. They don't even know they are being illegally taxed and are having their rights taken from them and the state governments are just as bad.