The Dems are Pee- oo'd Pres Bush will address the nation onboard a carrier..


Dancing Up A Storm
:razz2: The Democraps are angry President Bush is going to give a "major address" onboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean tonight at 9:00pm.
Seems they cannot stomach GW praising the troops in that atmosphere.

Betcha Slick Willie is envious as hell, he didn't think of it himself.

Of couse, Slick Willie Jeff never sent an aircraft carrier anywheres, as far as I know - only a few Tomahawks to roast in the desert.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Where's your source? And why would that make the Dems mad? I mean, besides that they're a bunch of crybabies to begin with who whine and pule over anything a Republican does?


Football season!
Who is mad about it? I think it is pretty cool.
The only thing I worried about was his flight in. From what i've been told, landing on a carrier isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Surprised he would risk something like that


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Staff member
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I went over to DU for a good laugh. They are talking about that and they're whopping it up because Bush bumped his head.


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More funnies...

So here I am in the den, on line with DU. My Hubby (who I often refer to as the politically ignorant American--but who really has been listening a lot to me ---do you think he has a chance with me beating his brains in day in and day out -- who realizes what is going on). He came in (god bless the dumb) and says "did you see Bush landing on the carrier??". I gave him a look (the look that says "no ####, where have you been") and he says "well, you have to admit he was IMPRESSIVE"--you just heard from the American male brain. (Okay, so the man is no longer alive--you will find his parts scattered over several counties!!) Sooooo, do you ####ing see what M/M ******* American is seeing tonight?? Thank god most of them are looking for reruns and don't have a clue.

what does this have to do with anything re his ability to lead the country?

People will be impressed becase he looks "tough" and "brave" and "military"? He looks little and stupid.

George the stunt pilot, is an actor--he plays a part--it must appeal to Americans as if it were a chapter in some cheap novel, or some overly dramatic and overly romantic TV series. The wars this poor and pathetic actor has brought us to, must also be played to this American audience as the same--cheap novels and dramatic but shallow TV series.

This latest act " let's pretend to be a pilot" shows me that this country has sunk to it's most shallow depths of childish and stupid, inane ham acting , cheap propaganda when it flaunts and admires a dress up cowboy, all dressed up in his little pilot's costume to make the people think and believe he is a leader.

It, this shameful extravaganza of the AWOL commander in chief performing like the flying Walindas, has nothing at all to do with being a leader of the most powerful country in the world except that it shows he has to , he simply must , perform these silly little stage plays, to convince the stupid, complacent and spoiled American people that is exactly what he is--a great leader.

Raving idiots :silly:


Dancing Up A Storm
The Dems can't stand it!

:razz2: Gw in his flightsuit saluting the troops, looking unabashedly comfortable with them, and they with him.

He delivered a great speech, thanking them and acknowledging their triumps and sacrifice, I loved every minute of it.

He also re-affirmed his comittment to the war on terrorism; if a country harbors, protects or trains terrorists, if they support them at all, you're -not with us. A pretty powerful message to the Irans, Syrias, and North Koreas of the world.

Then GW was out on the flight deck for a good 20 minutes or more, shaking hands and exchanging a few words with all in earshot, or who he could physically touch and it was a scene that looked right to me.

Others will say it was grandstanding, but to me it was a testimony of his belief and trust in the troops, and when he told them "it is an honor to be your commander-in-chief", it felt real.

It was a feeling I never felt when WJC was in Office.

Here's an excerpt from the DU: the poster says if he were the pilot of that S-3 Viking, he'd have pulled the ejection seat handle GW was sitting in. It must have surely or is that sorely a day for the folks at DU! It cracks me up.
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Football season!
I thought the speech was pretty good. And whether the conservatives want to admit it or not, those pics WILL look good come election time.

My only concern was the banner that read "Mission Accomplished" which was odd, since Bush himself said that eventhough the major battles are over, the conflict is not. To me, Mission accomplished will be when Iraq has its own stable government in place and our troops are back home.

Bush also stayed the night onboard which I thought was pretty cool.

One thing I found pretty interesting is that of all the ships, he chose the Lincoln. Considering Lincoln's plan and party, I thought it was a great symbolic PR move to choose that ship.

I did get a little nervous towards the end of the speech. Several times you see Bush kind of looking out towards the sky with his eyes fixed for a couple of seconds. If a group had wanted to plan the ultimate suicide mission, that would have been the time to do it. Chances are it wouldn't have been successful, but everytime I saw bush look up like that made me think he saw something on the horizon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn, when you said Democrats were angry about this, I thought you meant real Democrats, not those juvenile retards over at the DU.

Didn't catch the speech but I saw the footage of when he landed, jumped out and got pictures with everyone. Very cool :yay:.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Penn, when you said Democrats were angry about this, I thought you meant real Democrats, not those juvenile retards over at the DU.

Didn't catch the speech but I saw the footage of when he landed, jumped out and got pictures with everyone. Very cool :yay:.

Yea, on all my "heavily liberal" news pages I follow, haven't seem a single one blasting Bush for this. Must just be what Penn had hoped would happen. I don't think the DU is a good sample of liberals, just like i don't think this group is a good sample of conservatives. If so, Bush would be signing a law demanding only 10oz bud to be sold everywhere :biggrin:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by penncam
:razz2: The Democraps are angry President Bush is going to give a "major address" onboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean tonight at 9:00pm.

I got accosted in the elevator coming up to my office this morning by a guy that I talk fishing with all the time. We had never talked politics and he immediately launched into an "I hate that guy" spiel..After bout 30 seconds of spewing about Dubya killing poor American boys/girls, I asked what he would have done differently when it came to Iraq, he said he didn't know but something had to be done with them. I am so sick of Bush haters/democrats spewing all this hate and not having the faintest idea when it comes to solutions. Whinybabies..:burning:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I don't think the DU is a good sample of liberals
I think they're an excellent sample of liberals. Stereotypical, to be sure, but stereotypes come from somewhere - they're not manufactured out of thin air.

Whenever I hear the musings of John Kerry or Howard Dean, I always think, "Look! It's the DU President!"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The Carrier landing was a damn good PR for the policy and military and it'll have an added bonus in 2004.

Last nights speech was great as well and he seems far more Presidential than the last occupant.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
The Carrier landing was a damn good PR for the policy and military and it'll have an added bonus in 2004.

Last nights speech was great as well and he seems far more Presidential than the last occupant.

Seems like more people liked the previous administration's presidential staff :bubble:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Penn, when you said Democrats were angry about this, I thought you meant real Democrats, not those juvenile retards over at the DU.

Didn't catch the speech but I saw the footage of when he landed, jumped out and got pictures with everyone. Very cool :yay:.
The first democrap that I saw putting down GW's landing on the USS Abe Lincoln was Bill Press of Buchanan and Press, another Dem vs GOP talk show, that's on MNBC.

Press was not very happy at all with it, and questioned the use of the S-3 Viking as transport for the President(misuse of taxpayer funds - hah!), said it was grandstanding and just generally put turds all over the deal.

Buchanan wouldn't let him get away with it though, and was laughing at Press the entire time Press tried to put the event in a bad light.

Too bad Press did not even realize GW had qualified in F-102 fighter-interceptors in the Texas ANG, and had flown more sophisticated aircraft than the ##-hum Viking. (Dummy)

I did think it was funny that upon the carrier trap, the news noted the Navy pilot who actually made the landing snared the #4- wire when he trapped.

They usually try for the #2-wire, I thought I heard; if he'd missed the #4-wire, they'd have had to go-around and try to trap all over again. D@mn Navy! One of these days they'll get it right!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
I did think it was funny that upon the carrier trap, the news noted the Navy pilot who actually made the landing snared the #4- wire when he trapped.

They usually try for the #2-wire, I thought I heard; if he'd missed the #4-wire, they'd have had to go-around and try to trap all over again. D@mn Navy! One of these days they'll get it right!
Penn you better watch out. These Navy and Marine pilots are trying to snag a tiny wire while travelling really fast and hitting a moving, bouncing, and rolling postage stamp out in the middle of the ocean. Any wire caught is great as long as it is a safe landing. You know, it is a lot different then hitting a 12,000 foot runway about 200 feet wide like the Zoomie pilots do. The Zoomie can miss optimum touch-down by thousands of feet and still make it safe on deck. Try that on a carrier.


Dancing Up A Storm

:biggrin: Tut, tut, Mr. King. Maybe the pilot of the S-3 was nervous he had his CinC onboard his craft and that fact caused him to touchdown a tad late.
It was a safe landing by any means, but I must say the trap speed of an S-3 is a bit slower the trap speed of an F-14 or F-18,
You ever catch a glimpse of the flaps that S-3 has? They are huge, and allow the pilot to bring in the airplane a lot slower than the fighters.
I've always wished I could have made a TAD aboard a modern carrier to watch planes trap; I have seen Grumman promo tapes of the F-14 trapping, but it obviously isn't the same as seeing it live.
The airplane seems to literally fall out of the sky the last 12-15 feet above the deck, slamming onto it, and snagging an arresting cable.
One of the most awesome things I have seen is a catapult shot of an F-14 here at Pax River, near Strike facility; the launch system
"throws" the airplane off the runway! The F-14 goes from 0 to 180+ in a few seconds, and it's gone! That's got to be a heck of a rush.:smile:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I think they're an excellent sample of liberals. Stereotypical, to be sure, but stereotypes come from somewhere - they're not manufactured out of thin air.

Whenever I hear the musings of John Kerry or Howard Dean, I always think, "Look! It's the DU President!"

I think that the people here tend to associate ALL super-liberals with the Democratic Party like the anti-war demonstrators and the such. As a person that was associated with these super-liberals during college I can vouch for the fact that these people equally hate the Democrats and the Republicans. I, at Berkeley, was the only Democrat that I could think of...everyone else merely wanted to take the government down and set up their dumbass participatory democracy. These people did not vote because that was "part of the system man." They saw Democrats as just as much part of the system as Republicans. Look, the Democratic Party is for moderate liberals, not the place for extremists.

As for Bush's action, great PR move.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
People keep saying this, and I'm sure to a degree it might be true. However, as our Commander in Chief, it's expected protocol. It's no different than the ships Captain calling an all hands with the troops.

From what I recall, there has never been a presidential address from an aircraft carrier at sea. What is expected of the commande-in-chief is to address from the Rose Garden or Congress.