The Dems Have a New Whip


New Member
It is with great pleasure that I announce to everyone in this forum and all you Hoyer-haters that the new Democratic whip of the House of Representatives is our own Steny Hoyer. This is a great day for a man that I am proud to say I worked for and have voted for since he first ran. It is a great day for Democrats, Maryland, and the 5th Congressional District.


endangered species
What's Hoyer's background?

Is he ex-military? (I hope). I know (ex-Marine) Sen. Zell Miller will be taking (draft dodger) Saxby Chambliss behind the woodshed for a little "talk", I hope Steny can 'whip" some repub butt, too!


You're all F'in Mad...
The sad thing for the Democrats is that Hoyer and Pelosi are so far to the left, that the Dems probably have very little to look forward to. Moderate, common-sense government rules right now.

Hoyer and his cronies taxed us and spent our county $100 million into debt in less than 4 years. He's out of touch with the voters, and the Democrat party will suffer as a result.

No mention of Military service in his bio. He graduated from law school in 1966, and was elected to the Maryland Senate in 66, and served until 78. He's just another attorney who has been living off of taxpayers his entire career.

But, he's a masterful politician, and with all that seniority in Congress, he hasn't and won't hurt Southern Maryland at all!


Nodnarb, I consider spending us 100 million in the hole harming us...dont know what your definition is but...


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Heretic
Nodnarb, I consider spending us 100 million in the hole harming us...dont know what your definition is but...

He won't harm us AT the congressional level of government. However, he has harmed us FROM the congressional level using his influence over 2 of our soon-to-be past commissioners.

That is the point I was trying to make.