The Disturbing Rise of Anti-Semitism Among Black Celebs


PREMO Member
Often, we discuss conspiracy theories as if they are kooky yet benign tales spun by our neighbors, acquaintances, and even friends. But in America’s current political and cultural configuration, prejudice combined with ignorance often masquerades as legitimate thought and leads to devastating outcomes (just see how Floridian COVID-19 deniers are doing now). And in a society marked by incessant high-speed information and spin, anecdotal and instinctual bias becomes the basis of bad-faith arguments about free speech and a “marketplace of ideas.” As much as social media has brought us smart thinking by typically marginalized voices, it’s also allowed careless people with big platforms to speak more loudly—and without the immediate intervention of the wiser and better-informed people who may (or may not) surround them.

Recently, big-name Black entertainers like Ice Cube, Nick Cannon, Diddy, the Jacksons (Stephen and DeSean), and even beloved Black author Alice Walker, have spouted age-old anti-Semitic talking points—usually by quoting known bigot Louis Farrakhan—insisting that “the Jews” run everything, and locating Black liberation in anti-Jewish suspicion.

On his podcast, Cannon spoke to fellow anti-Semitic conspiracist Professor Griff, formerly of Public Enemy (he was kicked out of the group for his anti-Jewishness, specifically for calling Jews “wicked”), agreeing with Griff’s racist view that Jewish people control media and claiming that “Semitic people are Black people” so Black people cannot be anti-Semitic. After Cannon was dropped by ViacomCBS for his comments, Diddy then took to Instagram and invited Cannon to his network RevoltTV. On July 4th, Diddy’s RevoltTV broadcast a speech by Farrakhan—a man who has praised Hitler and repeatedly calls Jews “Satanic”—worldwide, and also shared a Farrakhan video on Twitter in which the Nation of Islam leader called the Jewish head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, “Satan” and claimed that “those of you that say you are the Jews, I will not even give you the honor of calling you a Jew. You are not a Jew. You are Satan, and it is my job now to pull the cover off of Satan so that every Muslim when he sees Satan, pick up a stone, as we do in Mecca.”


Well-Known Member
I like how all of these things are lumped together as being equally bad.

Saying Jews are wicked is obviously anti semitic / racist. Saying Jews control the media is borderline, as a good percentage of the most powerful people in media are Jewish, but individual success does not equal some conspiratorial control (it's like saying all successful white people collaborate to keep minorities down). And being critical of Israel may or may not have anything to do with racist ideas or beliefs.

But often enough just making a negative claim about someone who happens to be Jewish is turned into "racism". For instance, you are basically not allowed to mention the Rothschilds and banking. Despite the fact that this family owned a significant percentage of the wolds largest banks in the 18th and 19th centuries, if you are critical about the Rothschilds at all someone will inevitably reply "this dude just said the jews control all the banks, he's a racist".


Well-Known Member
I like how all of these things are lumped together as being equally bad.

Saying Jews are wicked is obviously anti semitic / racist. Saying Jews control the media is borderline, as a good percentage of the most powerful people in media are Jewish, but individual success does not equal some conspiratorial control (it's like saying all successful white people collaborate to keep minorities down). And being critical of Israel may or may not have anything to do with racist ideas or beliefs.

But often enough just making a negative claim about someone who happens to be Jewish is turned into "racism". For instance, you are basically not allowed to mention the Rothschilds and banking. Despite the fact that this family owned a significant percentage of the wolds largest banks in the 18th and 19th centuries, if you are critical about the Rothschilds at all someone will inevitably reply "this dude just said the jews control all the banks, he's a racist".
Sort of like how the blacks and BLM say all police are bad because one did something horrible, right?


PREMO Member
Why ViacomCBS Ignored Nick Cannon’s Remarks About White People’s ‘Genetic Inferiority’

During their discussion, both men made antisemitic remarks. “You’re speaking facts,” Cannon said. “There’s no reason to be scared of anything when you’re speaking the truth.” He referred to Griffin as a “legend” and considered it a “shame” that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan “had been silenced on Facebook.”

Griffin declared that the six main media outlets in the United States were “controlled by Jewish people.” Cannon equated their power to that of the Rothschilds, the wealthy Jewish banking family who are often the target of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Cannon declared that blacks are the “true Hebrews. It’s never hate speech, you can’t be antisemitic when we are the Semitic people. When we are the same people who they want to be. That’s our birthright. We are the true Hebrews.”

A ViacomCBS spokeswoman issued the following statement to announce Cannon’s termination:

We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast ‘Cannon’s Class’ on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. While we support ongoing education and dialogue in the fight against bigotry, we are deeply troubled that Nick has failed to acknowledge or apologize for perpetuating anti-Semitism, and we are terminating our relationship with him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nick is sorry and will keep his gig, though. And who even is he besides Mariah Carey's ex-husband? But apparently he's pretty powerful because what Roseanne said wasn't even close to this hateful and she got the boot.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
This is nothing new.

Leftists are just more comfortable taking off the masks these days.