That's pretty freaking impressive. How long were you alone?
Here's a quicky.
I was gone 14 months, I went ashore many different countries.
I busted ice out of Spa Creek Annapolis in Feb and took the intercoastal to Key West for a few weeks.
Then to Bermuda and on to the Azores. Sailed the coast of France and Spain and down the West Coast of Africa stopping along the way. I have friends there I worked with a few years before.
Around the cape and down to 68 to 70°
Sailed around the bottom, well as close as I wanted to get anyway. Around Cape Horn and up the east coast of South America. Ported at maybe 30+ islands through the Leewards and windwards up to the Bahamas, stayed 75 miles offshore our east coast untill hard to port into the Chesapeake.
My kid and I are thinking about both of us doing it when he's out of school.
It was a unbelievable experience, you truly understand what being alone is. Remember this was 91, no cells, no sat phones, no weather fax, GPS was new only 4 to 8 hours a day at best.
Using a sextant was paramount. The Deep Blue can be a loving thing and it can also test to see how big your balls really are.
I highly recommend it..
It all started when a friend that taught me how to sail as a kid
( Arnie Gay from Annapolis ) took me to a seminar at the Naval academy at the speaker was Dodge Morgan.
Arnie was friends with Dodge ( a world class sailer ) we a went out for drinks after and before the end of the evening Dodge and I had shook hands on a bet.
It took me a few years to get there, about a week after I got back home I met Arnie for lunch and low and behold Dodge was there, he shook my hand and pulled out his wallet and handed me the money he owed me. Five bucks. I $hit you not.
And then I went back to what most call normal life.