The Dow Has Biggest One Day Gain EVER In Response To Trump Press Conference


PREMO Member
The stock market exploded to its biggest single day point gain in history on Friday in response to a press conference that President Donald Trump held in which he outlined the strong response that the administration was taking to combat the coronavirus.

“Fueled by a late-day surge while Trump was speaking, the Dow saw its largest percentage gain since 2008,” the Associated Press reported. “The rally recouped many of the losses from a day earlier, when the index saw its worst slide since the Black Monday crash of 1987 and European indexes had one of the worst drops on record. The major indexes each closed with gains of more than 9%.”

The massive surge came after investors were apparently pleased with the administration’s expansive measures in getting ahead of the coronavirus.


Well-Known Member
three stunningly obvious points:

1. The market already had a nice gain prior to Trump's press conference. There was a very nice bounce after he finally stepped up to do his job.

2. The time for "getting ahead of the coronavirus" was 2 months ago. The Hopkins tracker has 2000 cases and 47 dead.

3. The markets were closed by the time our incompetent President made his idiotic off the cuff remark about potnetially banning travel from the UK.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
The Hopkins tracker....
Speaking of the Hopkins Tracker, I posted this as a reply in another thread:

In one scheme, an interactive dashboard of Coronavirus infections and deaths produced by Johns Hopkins University is being used in malicious Web sites (and possibly spam emails) to spread password-stealing malware.

Late last month, a member of several Russian language cybercrime forums began selling a digital Coronavirus infection kit that uses the Hopkins interactive map as part of a Java-based malware deployment scheme.

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If I may ...
If I may ...

The Dow Has Biggest One Day Gain EVER In Response To Trump Press Conference
Correction: The Dow Has Biggest One Day Gain EVER In response the NY Federal Reserve's injection of over a Trillion dollars into the make believe market.