The DU is freaking out...


This Space for Rent
Their latest pontification is that there are 1.3 million absentee ballots in Florida that haven't been counted and thus, Florida will be theirs in the end.

Even if Bush lost, it is worth it to see them twitch.

What will be more fun is to watch the screaming when Bush wins. :killingme


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Staff member
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
What will be more fun is to watch the screaming when Bush wins. :killingme

Now they're crying because ABC gave Florida to Bush. :lol:


I wish Fox would go ahead and call it. :tap:

Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio - So close


Material Girl
PREMO Member
AP ran a story that said the youth vote didn't come out in huge numbers like the democrats predicted. So now their turning on them for ruining everything and hope they all get drafted. :lol:

What a warm group.


This Space for Rent
Well, that have now started saying they live in a country of idiots. They are talking about how smart they are to everyone else. Are they going through the four stages of grief? :lol:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:

If Bush wins, do you think they'll take down the Dumbocratic Underground?

No, they are already working up their conspiracy theories. They need a place to create a nifty web video using haphazard logic and implication. Then they need to email it to everyone.

They say its conspiracy. :lol:


This Space for Rent
Not a peep yet from the mainstream that continue to feed the lie. But what's really surprising is that no one word from the supposedly liberal voices as yet either. I'm waiting!

And if you are one of those questionable voices who calls such thinking conspiratorial, then apparently you also think the 2000 and 2002 elections were legitimate as well?

If Bush's propanganda machine has convinced you that he actually WON the popular vote and that this race was close, you are probably either a sad casualty of the machine or a freeper. Perception is the much are you willing to surrender in order to maintain THEIR reality?



This Space for Rent
Bogart said:
The internet; advancing the decline of Western civilization :yay:

I have this image of the above gentleman quoted.

He is sitting in his apartment (or parents house) with arms akimbo sitting in his boxers on a worn out chair staring at the screen with a confused expression on his face. All the while he is hoping Morpheus is going to show up and offer him the red or blue bill. Instead, he has to face reality.