The Event



Already taken of dvr.....I feel like someone said we should do a show like lost...but instead of making it interesting for two seasons lets just go effen stupid right off the back.


New Member
Already taken of dvr.....I feel like someone said we should do a show like lost...but instead of making it interesting for two seasons lets just go effen stupid right off the back.

Was is really that bad?! I saw the trailer on hulu yesterday and it looked pretty cool. Got it on DVR waiting for later today...


Was is really that bad?! I saw the trailer on hulu yesterday and it looked pretty cool. Got it on DVR waiting for later today...

Same here, haven't watched it yet. Based on the comments so far, I'll give it a chance but not expect greatness. :buddies:


Cubscout MoM
What no theory’s as to what’s going on? What this event really is? Ok, here’s my theory. ***Spoiler****I’m going to go out on a limb and say this whole show is about Aliens. Earth was chosen to host a special summit of worlds. The time and place has been chosen ( “The Event”), but Earth isn’t ready to bare the responsibility of such a large task( we are a young and naive people), so a settlement of alien people came here to learn our customs and prepare us, but the wrong people were contacted first… (government ( CIA) and certain religious repressive groups) they hushed it up, imprisoned all the know aliens(some escaped) at the settlement in Alaska and will do what ever it takes to keep this from occurring, even killing the current president( who wants to announce the visitors presence to the people) & the leader of the Alien group and getting their co-conspirator, who’s running the shots... ( the VP) in the Oval office. But little did they know the aliens are not alone, there is also a ship cloaked in our atmosphere which not only protects the planet from outsiders, but also protects us from ourselves. The ship teleports the plane before it crashes. As for the girl and her fiancé…. They were just ponds to get the father (a pilot) to willingly sacrifice himself and fly a plane into the house and kill the president and the leader of the Aliens. The CIA/religious repressive groups covered up the missing girl, so they didn’t create panic and media attention. What do you think…am I close?


curiouser and curiouser
I didn't watch, but the commercials kind of reminded me of Flash Forward. I did watch that show, and was rewarded by ABC cancelling it, as usual. I just ended up confused, and won't be falling for that again. :lol: