The fairy jobmother


Dream Stealer
Anyone watch this on lifetime?

I caught an episode yesterday, and had never been so infuriated watching a tv show in my life. The premise is this british chick helps unemployed folks find jobs. neat. the couple on last night was a young, unemployed couple with two kids on welfare. I was disgusted beyond belief. First off..he had been unemployed for three years, her for five..and they had two very young children. Umm..way to ensure you get welfare :yay: They hadn't barely applied for anything, and were content to live off of other people's money. Two young, perfectly able-bodied people couldn't find jobs in 3-5 years? righhht. the brit chick pretty much took them to task and told them they were lazy and weren't trying, and they thought it was their God given right to recieve cash. They got all upset. wah wah truth hurts. The brit chick didnt do anything they shouldn't have done on their own..and both got interviews. The father did really well, the mom sucked. She couldn't answer basic interview questions and was basically an idiot. it made me sad she bred.

Anyway, if you get a chance to catch it is worth a look. It's like roadkill, you have to look