The farrier Richard Victor...


Love * Luck * Faith AWESOME! :biggrin: As a little follow-up to my The farrier Angus White thread...

Toby threw one of Angus' shoes just 5 weeks after having them set (it was loose at 3.5 weeks). So he was walking around with one front-left shoe and was barefoot on the others. His frogs were in really bad shape (Angus didnt take the knife to them hardly at all), his rear feet were chipped badly (not really blaming Angus – I know its been dry and the flies have been bad so Im sure Toby has been stomping on some really hard ground), and his front-right foot was really torn up from throwing the shoe. Further, the inner wall of that front-right foot was wearing faster than the outer-wall and so his leg was cocked at a funky angle. I didnt want to ride at all for risk of him going lame.

So...I had Richard come out to take care of Toby last night. I called him on this past Tuesday explaining that all I needed was to pull the shoe and a trim on one horse. I didnt think he would come all the way to Owings for that. But he did - two days later, he showed up at the farm. On time!! :yahoo: :lmao: Job didnt take long at all. Toby stood relatively still for Richard and when he did jig a little bit, Richard just talked to him softly and went about his business. When I apologized for Toby not standing completely still, Richard replied "Hes a Morgan. A 4 year old Morgan. If he stood completely still there'd be something wrong with him." :roflmao: :yay: Turns out he does shoes for an old friend of mine whome I grew up riding/showing Morgans with, as well as another Morgan lady in SoMD, so hes familiar with the breed! I showed him Toby’s show shoes that I had Angus pull (I saved them for a reset for next show season), and he was able to identify that the fronts were a toe weight and the rear shoes were not a “weighted” shoe, but a “thicker” shoe within like, 5 seconds. And the fact that shoes like that will only set me back about “Oh, $10,000.” :lol: I was impressed :yay:

So in a nutshell, due to the overwhelming recommendations of Richard that I received in response to my thread about Angus (both on the thread and via PM), I called him up, he came out, and I love the job he did and how he treated Toby. I have a 6-week appointment with him for November 4th :yay:

Thanks to all who told me about him! :cheers:


Podunk FL
He has shoed both of my boys. My Irish horse is still very young and had never been shoed before come here. The first time it took him a while to shoe him because he was nervous. Now..the horse is calmer. Redman is easy to shoe. Put him in the cross-ties and he goes to sleep.


New Member
Richard Victor question

Hi, I just found this forum doing a search on richard victor. He was recommended to me by someone local.

If this is the same guy, he lives here in VA near me.

Does anyone know how much he charges for four shoes? How long does he guarantee shoes?

Thanks for any information.


New Member
I have never heard of any farriers around here "guaranteeing" shoes for any length of time. If the shoe comes off, they blame the horse or the footing. If the shoe wears down, they say you should have paid for the more expensive metal. It's never the shoers fault :whistle:


New Member
I have never heard of any farriers around here "guaranteeing" shoes for any length of time. If the shoe comes off, they blame the horse or the footing. If the shoe wears down, they say you should have paid for the more expensive metal. It's never the shoers fault :whistle:

some farriers will come out and put the shoe back on for no charge, especially if it was thrown in the first couple weeks. i guess it varies by farrier and how much they like you :shrug:


some farriers will come out and put the shoe back on for no charge, especially if it was thrown in the first couple weeks. i guess it varies by farrier and how much they like you :shrug:

:yeahthat: A big warmblood that I used to own needed front shoes and he liked to overreach and rip 'em off when playing in the field. Resets were included. And, when my farrier was out of town he had someone else come put it on for me.


New Member
:yeahthat: A big warmblood that I used to own needed front shoes and he liked to overreach and rip 'em off when playing in the field. Resets were included. And, when my farrier was out of town he had someone else come put it on for me.

What a deal! He really, really liked you! :smile:


What a deal! He really, really liked you! :smile:

I am also interested in how much it costs to have Richard shoe a horse. My TB has 2 cracked hooves and I'm afraid that if they are left with no shoes that it will cause problems and I dont want that.