The Fault Lines Before the Evangelical Earthquake


New Member
The Fault Lines Before the Evangelical Earthquake

The recent controversy surrounding World Vision USA’s decision to open employment to same-sex couples and the organization’s subsequent reversal reveals the fault lines in evangelicalism today.

For the evangelicals distraught by World Vision’s initial decision, the controversy was never about the legitimacy or worthiness of people with differing views of marriage doing good work around the world. We should applaud good deeds of relief and compassion wherever we see them and wherever they come from. No, this particular controversy was about the meaning of evangelical.

Can an institution with an historic evangelical identity be divided on an issue as central as marriage and family and still be evangelical? Related to this discussion are questions about the authority and interpretation of Scripture, cultural engagement, and institutional power. All sides of the debate recognize that the definition of evangelical is at stake, which is why some are now publicly casting off the term altogether.

The World Vision decision was a tremor that warns us of a coming earthquake in which churches and leaders historically identified with evangelicalism will divide along all-too-familiar fault lines.
Remainder of the article at the link.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Thus saith the Lord God Yah
hypocritical dripple - nonsense - belief that the christian faith so weak could ever be divided
what is divided is legal hogwash steps of confusion to deter away from legal nonsense - of course yah says things you don't get right off as its toooooooo far over your heads - the legal dribbile is even to far over lodelia's head she does not have a clue what god is talking about hee - just typing her way to heaven as a scribe of the lord god yah

well she just read it again - " what is divided is legal hogwash steps of confusion to deter away from legal nonsense "
still what in god's name is this no thats the point legal technique to say as though important not having any bearing on valid coupled with legal nonsense means all of it is dribble to assume the lord god yah is so foolish as to learn of escapades like this and visiting " baja " not say at least " umph umph umph " - go your way who ever wants to learn of nothing go your way

umph umph umph.'d I do?


Well-Known Member
World Vision is no longer on my screen. When leadership claims no Biblical diversion, and obviously is not in same league as Biblical teachings, no way.

Sorry, but not. Samaritan's Purse and Compassion Intl. still retain Biblical visions.

WV - no more. They have caved.

Hopefully, the CEO will as well. Sad for them eternally.
For me I think the traditional Evangelicals have the correct interpretation. I could never accept the revisionist or moderate interpretation, it's just rationalization and dishonest reasoning.