The FBI is targeting Catholics who attend Latin Mass


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The FBI has found a gateway to declare Christians as criminals: Federal whistleblower

The FBI has found a new gateway to declare Christians as criminals, a federal whistleblower said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

An internal document from the bureau’s Richmond field office allegedly vowed to spy on "radical traditionalist Catholics and their ideology."

"They have found a gateway in what they think is fringe Catholicism in order to move into Christians in general and declare them to be the actual criminals in this country or the potential terrorists," federal whistleblower and former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin said.

Seraphin said the document is antithetical to Catholicism and was written by someone who believes abortion rights must be upheld and the LGBTQ agenda "has to be pushed down the American people’s throats."
